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She wasn't easy to miss, not by any means

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She wasn't easy to miss, not by any means. She was the kind of girl who had all eyes on her from the moment she walked into a room and she was no stranger to wrestling either. She spent years competing on the independent circuit, her unique presence and style working in her favor as she soon found herself on the NXT roster. Rising up the rankings she found herself as Women's Champion within a few short months. Her brutal and unique in-ring technique allowed her to excel and stand out from the crowd but despite all this, she was somewhat a loner. She didn't socialize a lot and mainly kept to herself. However being a lone spirit seemed to work in her favor and she was called up to the main roster after only a year and a half on NXT. Her name was on everybody's lips as word got around about her call-up, everyone speculating about weather or not she was really anything like they had heard. Many spoke amongst themselves and some watched her matches on the monitors backstage, sizing up the competition. Three men known as The Shield took a particular interest. She's was different and that's what initially peaked their interest.

''She's good, really good'' Seth commented

''She's got power, I'll give her that'' Roman agreed

''Definitely interesting'' Dean mumbled

She was used to the glares and whispers by now so as she made her way to her locker room she took no notice of her co-workers talking about her. 

''GO AWAY!!'' She yelled as a knock sounded on her door

Whoever it was didn't seem to get the message and she made her way over to the door ''Are you deaf or something? I said go away!!'' 

She was greeted by the sight of all three Shield members standing in front of her

''Is that really anyway to speak to one of the most dominant teams in sports entertainment history?'' Dean replied

''Quite frankly I don't care who the hell you are'' she argued ''I said go away and I meant it'' 

''Well you've got guts I'll give you that'' Dean smiled ''So tell me something. What's you're name darling?''

''My name?'' she asked with a smile of her own ''My name is none of your damn buisness, now if you'll excuse me I've got things to do'' She slammed the door in their face

''This one's gonna be a handful'' Seth commented as the three of them made their way back to their own locker room

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Tension had began to built up between the four of them ever since and neither one of them were willing to back down. To make things worse they had been teamed up. The idea didn't go down well and the very real problem was that being a team required them to all get along.

''Look Marnie. I know you don't like us and hate the fact that we have to be a team but weather you like it or not, we have to try and get along'' Seth explained as he tried to reason with her 

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