Please don't leave me behind

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Based on this request by bladeAmbrose10:

Everything around him fell silent, the only thing he could hear being his own heartbeat as it thumped in his chest

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Everything around him fell silent, the only thing he could hear being his own heartbeat as it thumped in his chest. He was looking down at the lifeless body of his one and only blood brother. Tears wet his eyes as he silently begged him to move, to just do something; anything. It had all happened so fast and he had barely registered what was happening as Blade ran in front of Roman and Seth, pushing them out of the way just seconds before he was hit side-on by a car.

"Please don't die on me brother. I need you'' Dean begged ''Don't go...just stay a little longer please" he rested his head to his brothers chest as Seth and Roman looked on helplessly

The sound of sirens drew closer "No no no please no" 

He knew he was gone but a small part of him still refused to believe it. Why did this have to happen and to him? Blade wasn't a wrestler, he wasn't even involved in this whole Brock Lesnar storyline but yet he still somehow fell victim to the consequences. It wasn't an accident, that much was obvious and so was the fact that Blade wasn't the target.

"Step aside please sir"

Dean didn't even hear the ambulance approaching. He didn't even hear the male paramedic speak to him, he only felt a pair of strong arms pulling him away from his brother.

"Get off me!!" Dean struggled against whoever it was that was holding him back "I need to be with him"

He was spun around and held against Roman's chest. His struggle subsiding slightly 

"He's gone Dean" Roman whispered "He's gone"

"No" Dean replied as he felt Seth begin to rub his back

"I'm sorry bro" Seth said

The two men soothed Dean a they watched Blade being lifted onto the stretcher, his body covered with a white sheet as it was placed in the back of the ambulance

"Come on" Roman said as he pulled away from Dean "He wouldn't want to travel alone''

Dean looked behind him and nodded his head in agreement, his voice failing him as he rushed over to the ambulance. He stepped inside and grabbed hold of his brothers hand, placing his head back down on his chest as the doors closed behind them. 

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 10, 2023 ⏰

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