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Now I see that you and me were never meant

Never meant to be now

Now I'm lost somewhere

Lost between Elvis and suicide

Hey, my babe. I just thought that you're probably reading all this stuff in your bed, that it's probably 2am and you're smocking as always and maybe there's a girl sleeping in my side of the bed.

Only thinking about this make me wanna puke. Maybe she's believing you as I did, maybe she's thinking that you're perfect for her.

Who the fuck am I kidding? You could be perfect for everyone, but the only one you care about is yourself.

I should have known that a relationship so awesome, so magical cannot be real, but guess what?

You made me stay there, you made me listen to your favorite songs, you made me read your favorite books and I was sure that this meant something. At least it meant something to me.

And do you know where all this ended up? It's night and i'm crying while listening to your favorite singer when I should be mad at you. I should hate you. I should want to slap you so freaking hard, and I'm sat on the floor with an Elvis' song that plays in background.

You fucking destroyed me, babe, should I keep living as a depressed woman or should I fucking left this insignificant life?

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