The Next Day

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You opened your eyes, and realized you were still at Japan's house. You were a little embarrassed that you slept at his house, but it's not like you slept with him. Blushing at the thought, you checked the time. It was about 9, and knowing Japan, he was awake... You opened the door still in your clothes that you wore the day before. You yawned then saw Japan making some tea.

"Ohayo, (Name)" He said. "Morning" You replied. "Wourd you rike some tea?" "Sure."

As you sipped your tea you and Japan talked about anime while watching the cherry blossom petals fall, it was actually very peaceful. Soon though, you took your leave and thanked Japan for letting you stay. as you were walking home, your best friend (friends name) texted you

'Hey, you weren't at your house this morning, where were you?'

'Oh hi, I was at... A friends..."

'Suuure, where were you really?'

'I told you, at a friends..'

'Where. Were. You.'

'Fine I was at Japan's...'

'All night?'


'OMG really!'


Next thing you new she called you

"TELL ME EVERYTHING!!! She yelled into your ear "Okay, okay, jeez!"

After that you explained about the pool party, and the kiss, and the pocky...

"SooOOOooo," she started "Whaat?" You said, knowing that was her dirty thinking voice "did you do the doin of the doin dee do's?" She said devilishly "Aaaand, we're done here." You hung up immediately


'So no?'

'No! Now I'm gonna go, OK?'

'Fine text you later!'

You got home after that fiasco and relaxed on the couch and turned on the TV, You signed happily, "Well, I've got nothing else planned..." You started drifting off when...


It All Started, At My Pool Hetalia Japan x Reader Where stories live. Discover now