The Party

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America continued to think but you were happy just talking to Japan, he was so cute and awkward you just wanted to hug him and never ever let go, but you knew he had a personal space thing, so There was no way you could just up and do that.

He very awkwardly grabs your hand which caught you by surprise a bit, his hand was kinda soft and you couldn't help but smile a lot.

Looking around you notice this isn't as much of a large party for America... Most of the countries you know are here though.

You were enjoying Japan's company and you were having a fantastic time.

As this was going on, America was sneaking around to the other guests and asking them to pitch in on a little "game." Once he finished with his business he walked to the center of the room.

"ALRIGHT MAH DUDES!" America yelled, catching everyone's attention. "How about we play a little game?!" He smiled taking a quick glance to you and Japan. Some countries were trying not to smile while others were keeping a blank face.

But they all knew what was going to happen next.

America pulled a small bag out and explained that you were going to be playing a game called 'Seven Minutes in Heaven.' You sighed and listened to the rules.

"Okay! Now we need a volunteer!" America shouted and looked around the room and 'randomly' selected you.

"Alrighty (Name)! Pick something out of the bag!" He smiled and held it out so you could reach in. You put your hand in and there wasn't anything but something small and kinda soft.....

You picked it up to see a tiny pink petal, and you looked at it with a confused look on your face. "So um...-" you started

"Alright that must be Japan's!!!" America yelled, "But I didn't..." Japan said quietly. You caught on to America's little trick, and then he quickly pushed you two along into a closet.

You sighed, and looked over to Japan who looked slightly nervous, but also, calm?

I cannot believe I fell for this.

"So um..... You didn't do anything, right?" You asked him. "No, of course not, America probabry set this up..." He pouted a bit and crossed his arms, "I'm sorry you had to get mixed up in arr of this..."

"No it's completely fine... After all... It is just us..." You smiled a little and Japan looked at you a little confused. "Do you mind if... If I... K-Kiss you...?" You asked nervously while looking at the floor. Japan blushed just a tiny bit and then tried to force back a smile.

He inched a bit closer to you, "Y-You don't have to ask... (Name)..."

You look at him and he leans in to kiss you. Smiling, you kiss him back, and hug him. He hesitantly hugs you back.

You both pull away and smile at each other. Japan pulls you into a hug and whispers into your ear,

"You don't know how rong I've wanted this....."

You blush slightly, "I love you Japan..."
"I rove you too..." He pulls away from the hug and kisses you on the nose.

And then... The door rips open, revealing a smiling America, "AWWWEEEE YEAH!!!" He yells and jumps in the air

Both you and Japan jump and he pushes you away, you almost fall over, "Hey..." You mutter, "I-I'm sorry..." Japan says. America's doing a little dance in celebration of his successful plan.

"A-America! Wh-What was that all about!!" You shout at him, "I had a plan and it totally worked!" America said.

Poland walks over and takes a picture of the scene, "Oh yeah, this is like, totally going to be on Instagram."

"Po-Poland..!" You yell, Japan is just kinda shocked and staying still. Poland shrugged and walked away.

You grabbed Japan's hand, "Thanks for inviting us America.. Have fun, c'mon Japan..." You walked out, Japan following.

"So...." You started, "I'm sorry that had to happen..." Japan looked at you, "No, its not your faurt..." You smiled and then Japan held onto your hand.

"Shourd I wark you home..?" He asked a bit nervously, "Sure!"

You both were walking and laughing at small jokes and enjoying yourselves even more than you have all night.

But soon... As always, all good things have to come to an end, and you approached your house...

"So, I guess I'll see you another time?" You looked over to him, "Of course, you are my... G-Girrfriend..." He said nervously. You smiled a lot. "Yep."

He leaned closer to you and gave you a gentle kiss goodnight. You smile at him and walk into your house...

That turned out better than I expected... I guess I should thank America...

You crawl into your bed smiling a bunch, thinking about the whole night.

It's been fun....

It All Started, At My Pool Hetalia Japan x Reader Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin