Sometime Tomorrow

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You wake up and it's already noon. "Welp, not like I'm doing anything on a Saturday anyways.."

"Yay my life is so fantastically fun!" You think sarcastically to yourself, as you go get some breakfast (or lunch whatever you prefer)

After you finish eating you decide to *surprise surprise* watch more Netflix! Yayyyyyyy!

You check your phone for any new notifications and you remember about the party later tonight...
"Oh yeah.. Cool"

So you get dressed for the day and now you wait for hours and hours and hours and hours...

~*~*~Time skip brought to you by boredom!~*~*~

7:30, the party is in an hour, you can't wait to see your adorable little Japanese date.

Since America's house isn't that far you just walk there, you couldn't help but wonder exactly what America was planning. Since he did text you and, unfortunately, you can't read minds...

You get there and knock on the door and you are greeted by Mr. Alfred Freedom freaking Jones himself! "(Y/n)! Glad you could make it!" He grabbed you and pulled you inside, "Your dates already here!" Japan is uncomfortably standing in a corner to avoid physical (and social) interaction.

You walk up to him and smile, "Hi Japan.." He smiles back "Herro.." Then you smile more and he smiles more and it just becomes a smiley awkward scenario.

America is silently watching from the distance, "We need to get things moving a bit faster..."

HELLO!! I AM NOT DEAD! This is just a quick chapter because I finally reinstalled Wattpad after I completely ran out of storage space (Yes I know I could've accessed Wattpad from Google but it's not the same!) So it's 2 in the freaking morning, I just drank a full Dr. Pepper. I cannot sleep but I'm trying, really I am. So enjoy this super short update and I will continue soon!

It All Started, At My Pool Hetalia Japan x Reader Where stories live. Discover now