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Here in the 21st century, terrorism is a big problem. We shoot down planes, blow up buildings, kill for fun.
Just To Terrorise People.
It is Wrong.
It is not okay.
But people still do it.
Here is my poem;

Why do we have to fight and argue against each other.
Is it for ourselves, our family or is it just for a little bit of fun?
Is it necessary to hurt each other and kill our brother?
No battle, fight or war has never and will never ever be won.

We need to forgive,
We need to forget,
We need to love,
That is our debt.

Shooting planes out if the sky is dumb,
Blowing up buildings doesn't sound fun,
So why do we do it, are we pressured too?
One day the final cow will say it's final moo,
One day we will all be gone, do you want to die
Knowing all you ever did was murder and get high?

We need to forgive,
We need to forget,
We need to love,
That is our debt.

Why are guns still legal?
And equal marriage not?
Living a very safe life,
Is a very long shot.

We need to forgive,
We need to forget,
We need to love,
That is our debt.

When we kill people we don't know,
Children are never born,
A grandparent is never seen,
We lose every piece of respect
And have another grave to clean.

We need to forgive,
We need to forget,
We need to love,
That is our debt.

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