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Their are types of people in this world. Let's talk about friends.

I have some amazing friends, who are really kind and supportive. When I recently reached 400 followers and 1.5K reads on this book, they were happy and cheered me on to keep on doing what I love.

And I also have some friends who are amazing, but don't like it when I succeed. When I bet one of my friends followers tally, they followed 1000 people just to beat me again. That really shot me down, I was happy, I was feeling good. But they weren't kind about it.

And I also have friends who are a bit of both. Like, they are kind and supportive, but are competitive with me. That's who my best friend @zandra1610  is. Kind, supportive and competitive. And that's why she is my best friend. Because she will be nice and helpful, but want to have a competition.

What type of friend are you? Should you consider how you treat others success?

And yeah, I was talking about you @shadowshot

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