Dont go alone.

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Thanks to Zandra1610 or A_Unicorn_Eats_Tacos for submitting this! I hope you all enjoy :D


Video Games hold many truths, this much is true.  'It's Dangerous To Go Alone '  is one of the most well-known video game quotes to this date and has been recreated and said many time. It also amplifies how video games hold truth and knowledge meant for real world use.

This quote is telling us in game to carry a sword and defend ourselves against evil. In real life this tells us to prepare ourselves for the real world. When you are trying something new, make sure that you are prepared because the world isn't all sun shine and rainbows.

(If this logic is applied to the dangerous lands of Tumblr, be prepared with memes and drawings)

When in life, remember your friends and through hard times seek them out for help. Don't handle terrible times alone; seek support from those you trust. When facing hard ships, don't do it alone.

Because after all,

'It's Dangerous To Go Alone'

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