True story 2 - My crush

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This is my true story.

So I was sitting at school one day and I was really fidgety. I was trying to build up some courage to tell my crush I liked her. I was really quiet and very nervous. One of my friends came over to me and asked if I was okay. I told them what I was going to do and how I was quite nervous. She laughed and gave me friendly slap on the back. She told me about how she did this exact thing not too long ago and how the worst my crush could do was walk away and never talk to me again. After that I nearly wet my pants.
Then something rushed over me, like maybe a mood swing or maybe like adrenalin or something else because before I knew it I was at my crushes table. I totally forgot walking over there or doing any planning. I was confused when suddenly my crush looked up at me and said, "Hey!".
I suddenly went into epic blushing mode and was quite flabbergasted! I mean like, a very casual greeting!
Then another wave of courage washed over me and I word-vomited.
"So I just thought I might let you know that I like you. A lot. Like, a lot. I was just wondering if you like me?"
She looked very confused and started blushing and giggling.
She didn't respond so I was quite sad. Later that night I got a text from her, it said 'yes'.
I've never smiled so much.

And that person has probably read this, maybe voted like they did just 5 minutes ago to my other uploads, and I hope you know who you are because. I kinda love you.

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