True Story 3: Animals

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Isn't it amazing what animals do! It is proven that petting an animal improves your mood but what about their loyalty?
We've all heard of red dog who ventured all the lands of Australia, even going to Japan, to find his dead owner.
We've all heard of Hachi the dog who stayed with his owners grave forever.
But what about other animals?
My sheep at home allow me to pat them and hand-feed them. They don't buck me or hurt me. Loyal.
My cat, Milly, snuggles up with me on my bed when I'm having a and day. She makes me happy and laugh even when I'm am in a bad mood. Loyal.
I saw a photo on Instagram of a dog who dug up his owners great just to be with him. Gross and Loyal.
I saw another photo on Instagram of a cat who went into her owners burning house 5 times to save her kittens. She was severely burnt and nearly died. Heroic, Brave, Loyal.
Animals have traits and personality a just like us. Yet we don't treat them equally.
Animals are the only things on earth that love their owners more than themselves.

By Lewis (Me)

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