Micahel's First Love.

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Michael : walks in with his family sits down waiting for the AMA's to start .

Kathryn : Michael .. Your girl Whitney is performing first .

Michael : *laughs* mama stop !! *blushes*

Kathryn : I know it's meant to be mike . I know my child . *smiles*

(Whitney comes out in all White looking beautiful , Diana Ross introduces her )

Michael : *looking at her on stage , bites my lip *

Whitney : *smiles , starts singing all at once *

Janet : *looks at Michael * Michael !!

Michael : Hmm ? Yea sis ??

Janet : you okay *laughs*

Michael : *shakes my head yes *

Whitney : *singing , song was over walked backstage *

Michael : *smiling very hard *

Joseph: *looks at Michael *

Whitney : *walks to my seat *

(Show ends 1 hour later )

Michael: *sees Whitney , walks towards her* Whitney , Ms. Whitney Houston!!

Whitney : *stands up, turns around * Michael Jackson ! Omg I've always wanted to meet you in person .. But I didn't think it would've tonight .. *blushing *

Michael : *giggles* I've always wanted to marry.. I mean meet you also .. So how are you ?

Whitney : I'm great ! In you ? *smiling *

Michael: I'm great myself . So I have a questions .. If you don't mind me asking .. Do you ??

Whitney : no not at all what is the question mike ??

Michael : well.. *breaths in and out * I wanted to know if you would like to go on a date with me to get to know me better .. *smiles , thinking I hope she says yes*

Whitney : *puts my hands together smiles * yes I would love to go on a date with you ..

Michael : *thinking , omg Whitney
Houston is going on a date with me * I'm so happy you said yes .. So how about tonight ??

Whitney : sure ! I just have to get out of these clothes you know .. *laughs *

Michael : sure sure no problem Whitney take your time .. I'll be waiting for you *writes my number down , gives it to her *

Whitney : *takes it , puts in it my pocket * I will call you when I'm ready alright sweetie ?

Michael : alright Whitney *reaches down and kisses her cheek *

Whitney : *blushes again*

(Everyone leaves Michael and Whitney both go back to their hotel rooms to get ready )

Whitney : *singing in the shower, gets out gets dressed *

Michael : *gets in the shower gets out and gets dressed also *

Whitney : *calls Michael *

Michael : *runs out the bathroom to answer to phone , picks it up *

Whitney : hey mike its me .. You ready !?
Michael : hey Whitney and yes I'm ready I'll be there to come get you .

Whitney : alright see you soon
Michel : see you soon !

Both: *hangs up*

Michael : *goes and picks Whitney up *

Whitney : *gets in the car , looking good *

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