Whitneys Hospital Release

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(Whitney finally gets released from
The hospital after a long 2 months)

Whitney: *getting her discharge papers*

Doctor: *talks to her about taking her
medicine and other things she has to do to strengthen her body*

Whitney: *writing down what he says*

Doctor: okay you're good to go Whitney.

Whitney: *smiles* thank you doctor for everything.

(The nurses come and take her IV and other wires off of her they put her in a wheelchair and wheel her up to the front cissy is waiting outside for her)

Whitney: *walks slowly to the car holding my stomach*

Cissy: come on baby mamas got you

Whitney: *holds onto cissy gets in the chair*

Cissy: *thanks the nurses and doctors gets in the car drives off* so whit how you feeling ?

Whitney: I'm in pain but I'm good *smiles* mama can you turn on the radio

Cissy: *turns it on Michael Jackson "you are not alone plays"

Whitney: *listens to the song sighs as tears start to fall* n-no mama turn it off , Please.

Cissy: *turns it off runs her arm* it's okay baby ! He won't hurt you anymore .

Whitney: *coughs* okay mom. *puts my hand on her hand* I love you!

Cissy: I love you more baby girl.

(They pull up to Whitney house she looks at the house and has a flashback of what happened)

Whitney: *looking out the window tightens the grip of her hand around cissy's hand*

Cissy: *looks at her* Whitney it's okay I got you.

Whitney: *loosens the grip says nervously* alright !

Cissy: *gets out the car walks over to Whitney's side opens the door helps her out then goes back and gets the bags*

Whitney: *sitting on the couch looking around at everything*

Cissy: *comes in the house* you alright baby girl ?

Whitney: yes, I'm okay !

Cissy: well I think I have something that will cheer you up . *yells for the kids to come down*

Kids: *come running out of different areas in the house all crying* mommy!

Whitney: *shocked to see them* omg my babies!

Kids: *all run into Whitney's arms hugging her*

Whitney: *hugging them back kisses them each on their cheek* I miss you guys so much!! *voice breaking*

Cissy: *smiling wiping her tears*

Kids: we missed you more mommy!!

(They hug and cry for another 2 minutes)

Kids: so mommy, how you feeling?

Whitney: I'm doing okay, in some pain but you guys slowly are taking that away. *smiles*

Kids: good mommy!

Michele: mom, let's sing how will I know,

Whitney: *laughs* alright. 1,2,3..

All: "there's a boy, I know. He's the one I'm dreaming of.

Whitney: "looks into my eyes takes me to the cloud above

All: "ooo I lose control can't seem to get enough uh huh when I wake from dreaming tell me it is really love .. ooo how will I know , how will I know"

Whitney: *laughing* my little singers.
(They sing the whole song and sing many more of Whitney's oldies)

Kids: that was fun mommy!

Whitney: it sure was. You know I love you guys more than anything right ?

Jr: more than food ?

Michele: more than your singing?

Whitney: more than anything babies.

Kids: we love you too mommy.

(They all relax and watch a movie)

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