A change of plans.

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(2 months after Robyn left Whitney, Whitney realizes something different about her figure and her appetite)

Whitney: *outside with the kids while they play in the pool*

Kids: Mommy get in with us!

Whitney: Not today babies maybe another day.

Kids: Okay mommy! *they go back to playing*

Whitney: *sees phone ringing answers it* hello?

(It's Michael)

Michael: Hey Nip! how you been?

Whitney: ... i've been alright mike. You?

Michael: missing you.. look i'm sorry about what happened a few months ago i was just so.. *Whitney cuts him off*

Whitney: *sighs* its fine don't even worry about it.. but um i think i'm pregnant again..

Michael: Pregnant? *looks at the phone then puts it back to his ear* Pregnant by who??

Whitney: you..dumbass

Michael: me? how??

Whitney: well when you did whatever you did, you obviously impregnated me with pre cum ..

Michael: oh .. um, did you take a test?

Whitney: No because i don't think i am but i will soon my face is getting fatter cramping in my lower abdomen and all.

Michael: well you need to take a test just to make sure you're not pregnant

Whitney: i will tonight and i'll let you know

Michael: okay are you sure it isn't anyone else's baby?

Whitney: Yes i'm sure after you did what you did i haven't been myself i haven't had sex with anyone not like i would anyways

Michael: well again i'm sorry about that again just take the test tonight and we'll go from there.

Whitney: okay i will..

Michael: alright . i love you .

Whitney: mhmm..

Michael: Nip come on you know i do even in my mistakes..

Whitney: mhmm i know i um love you too.

Michael: How are the kids?

Whitney: they're good..

Michael: Good. tell them i said hey and that i love them.

Whitney: *pulls the phone from her ear and tells the kids what Michael said.

Kids: *yells from the pool* we love you too dad.

(They talk for a few more minutes and hang up Whitney and the kids enjoy the rest of there afternoon watching movies and playing board games )

Whitney: time for bed kids!

Kids: okay mommy! *they go brush their teeth and go too bed*

Whitney: *sitting downstairs thinking gets up goes in the drawer gets a pregnancy test takes it waits for the results gets the phone calls Michael*

Michael: *answers* hey did you take it
Whitney: i just took it in waiting for the results now ..

(They both 5 minutes)

Whitney: *picks up the test looks at it puts her hand over her mouth whispers in the phone to Michael* it says positive !!

Michael: positive ?? are you sure??

Whitney: yes dummy!! i'm not blind it says positive .. *she takes a picture of it and sends it to him*

Michael: *looks at the picture she sent sees that she was telling the truth*

Whitney: i knew i wasn't myself .. damn Michael thanks a lot *says sarcastically*

Michael: What are we going to do ?

Whitney: keeping it like we kept the other two .. you know i don't do abortions..

Michael: that's true okay give me like 15 minutes and i'll be over there.. okay?

Whitney: *sighs* okay .

(Michael gets dressed and drives over to Whitney's house)

Michael: *knocks on the door*

Whitney: *goes downstairs and opens the door * hey.. *says quietly*

Michael: hey nip *walks in the house pulls her to me hugs her tight* I'm sorry .

Whitney: *hugging him back as she begins to cry* it's okay .. we um have to figure something out about us so we can take care of these kids together .

Michael: i agree nip. I'll do anything in my power to help us out .

Whitney: o-okay .. *wipes my face looks at Michael* we're having another baby.. *smiles a little*

Michael: yes we are baby !! *looks back at her leans in starts kissing her*

Whitney: *she kissed him back putting
both of his hands on her stomach*

(They kiss for a little while longer and have a long talk on what needs to happen next)

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