How it started

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Maddies POV
It was a Sunday afternoon when the car came, I was just outside playing with my little sister Kenzie. He came out of the car and approached us saying the chilling words "Hello girls." I knew we weren't supposed to talk to strangers but he seem nice. I smiled and responded "hello!" Kenzie instantly became scared and ran towards our house. He asked me "Is your mother home?" "No" I said. "Good" it was then when I realized I had done the wrong thing because he picked me up and shoved me in his van. I screamed, kicked, and cried until I could no more, the he told me I was going to go o his home and we were going to play games. So the I calmed down until we arrived at a large abandoned house. "Is this your home?" I asked "Are you Madison Ziegler?" "Ye-,wait, how do you know my name?"I asked"Who doesn't?" Then he plastered a sly grin on his face and escorted me to the basement. "What are we going to play?!" (Not knowing he was such an evil person and that I had just been kidnapped) "something I'd like to call you're going to shut the f*ck up and I'm going to undress you" "How do we play?!" "Wow you dumba*s!" "Actually mommy says I'm really smart for only being 7 years old!" Then he started going on about how he's going to be my family and that I'll never see my mom or Kenzie again."Bbbut I don't like your house ITS UGLY!!!" As I said choking on my own tears. The he slapped me and started to remove my shirt. "Let go of me!" I shouted he heard me but refused to listen. Then his cold hands sild down my pants and then he stroked my stomach which was looked like it was throbbing from my heavy breathing the I burst in to tears as he turned me over to hold my hair and bang it against the floor and eventually I passed out into a long deep sleep. The next morning I found my self in a new outfit with a new jacket and a pair of shoes, but I was still in the abandoned house. In the corner I saw a pink backpack and a matching lunchbox with my name written onto it "Maddie Z." It read I went upstairs to find any sign of life and I didn't find the man who had kidnapped me the night before but my own mother and Kenzie. "MOMMY!KENZIE!" I yelled "what are you guys doing here?" "Well Maddie that nice man who brought you here is your new daddy!" "But he said I'll never see you again." "Oh he was just trying to surprise you!" "Bbbut he's mean I don't like him!" "Well you're gonna have to!" She yelled which only made me wimper "now go get your new clothes on and your backpack and lunchbox I'll pack you sandwiches and juice." "Same for you Kenzie" to me it was strange how fast her voice changed but I thought nothing of it. When I came upstairs I herd mommy and "daddy" talking but I don't know what about. My mom told me that Harold will be taking me to my new school and that I was to stay with Kenzie as we took the city bus home."But what about my old friends I want to stay at ps 118!" Kenzie said "you'll make new ones sweetie!" "I don't wanna!" "Oh shut up Mackenzie don't be such a brat!" Mom said "listen to your damn mother!" Harold said "oookay I'm sorry" Kenzie stuttered I could tell she was scared "bye mom" "bye kenz bye mads!,have a good first day!" We left the parking lot of the home and I was shocked to not see the black van but a Nissan Alitma. I didn't say anything but a million questions roamed my mind. We saw our new school and It was really big. "Woah look at that!" "Shut up idiot!" Harold said "sorry..." Kenzie's voice shook but still sounded kind and innocent we got out of the space grey car and Harold gave us directions "thanks bye"I said "yeah whatever" and he sped off into the free way.

~hey guys this is my very first book and I really hope you enjoyed this first chapter!leave your thoughts in the comments section!
Love you!😘💕xoxo ~ari (arianna)

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