I hear the bells

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Maddie's POV

It was exactly 6 weeks since I was "kidnapped" and  since I met Harold. I know I just met him but already I know he's mean and abusive, it's just a hunch I don't think I'll ever like him. "Rise and shine everyone!" My mom shouted, I was already awake I only go 30 minutes of sleep due to 1. Sleeping on a cold floor and 2. Waking up to my "parents" bed rocking and my moms VERY annoying moan saying "OH YES YES YES!!!" ugh I was disgusted! However Kenzie was sound asleep. I gently shook her because she didn't hear mother, "huh?!" "Wake up kenz." A few minutes later we scurried into the the kitchen "What took you so damn long?!" Harold yelled. "Umm we were brushing our teeth..." I could my hear voice shake I sounded cowardly. "Well I woke you guys up to tell you that Harold and I are getting married! Isn't that great?" "Why are you happy about that?" Kenzie snarked, although she muttered it under her breath some how Harold heard her and came rushing over to her, he picked her up by her collar and slapped her so hard that you could see the blood rushing towards the surface of her skin but not one drop escaped her face. She winced "Bitch." Harold said then he dropped her on the wooden floor. "Anyway, today we are going to beautify the house!" "Even our rooms?" "No, just everything else so the neighbors don't gain suspicion." "Okay."  "Now go get your things for school!" Kenzie and I went to the basement to get dressed "Wow mads you can practically cut the tension between you and mom with a knife!" Kenzie remarked "shut up!" I giggled. a couple minutes later we were out the door until mom stopped us to say "oh and be home quickly you don't want to miss the wedding!" The she plastered a sinister smile on her face and went back in the house. "And to think that she used to be loving and caring for us..."Kenzie said "It's ok kenz I still love you"
Hey guys sorry for such a short and crappy chapter! I sorta got nervous and caught writers block!! Any way I PROMISE the next chapter will be so much better! Love you xoxo😘💕~ari also Kenzie isn't really there with Maddie it's just an illusion!

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