Family time

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Maddies POV

"Ready to start the day?" Melissa said as I stood at the living room doorway. "Yes mom." I said grimly. "Oh, lighten up will you," said Harry, "you mother isn't going to make you work today." "But I thought sinc-" I was cut off, "nonsense Maddie, we aren't to speak of that okay?", "we are going to spend today with each other!" She giggled. "Like family time?" I mumbled. "Yes just like that!" She smiled. "We are going to go to a lovely brunch at Beach Break Café. Then we are going to Aquatica water park and go to a nice family movie together, sound good everyone?" she said cheerfully. "Yes" Harry and I mumbled. I liked the idea of my mother and I together just not my stepdad because he made her this way and I feel like I can help her out of it if we were just alone together. But I know that Harry has got my now abusive mother in such deep of a trance it would take a while to break her out of it. Oh well. I went back to my room and grabbed a pair of socks and my only shoes. As I walked outside to meet my parents in the car but instead of seeing Harry's silver Toyota I saw The van
*flash back 7 years*
"Hello girls" the strange man said, "hello!" 7 year old maddie said. "Is your mother home?" Harry said. "No" "good"
Then Harry dragged me, 7 year old maddie to the big black-windowed white van.
*end of flash back*
"What's wrong maddie?" Harry cackled, "you look white as a ghost!" "N-nothing" I said. I didn't notice it then but there was a tsunami of silent tears rolling down my face. "Come on maddie, get in the car." My mom smirked. "I-i-i don't want to, please don't make me!" I cried. "Get in now!" They yelled. I slowly crept over to the back seat door a peered into the window but I couldn't see anything. I carefully clicked open the door with my eyes closed. I turned my head back to my "parents" to see their faces before I stepped into the car. They had large demonic smirks on their faces but that quickly faded as they saw me look at them. "Go in!!!" They yelled again. At this point I was quietly sobbing because I knew there was something in there, and it wasn't good. I slowly opened the door and I saw a little girl. Her back was facing me so I couldn't see her face but she had beautiful, long, brownish blonde hair. She had a pair of hollister jeans on and a varsity jacket on with her name written on the back of it. "M-A-C-K Z" I spelled out. It took me 5 seconds to process through my brain but that was my little sister tied up in the back of The van. "KENZIE?!" Mackenzie turned around and the look on her face was so sad and the way her eyes looked at me pierced my soul. She was crying, and there was duct tape over her mouth. I turned around to see my parents snickering at us, "HOW COULD YOU DO THIS TO HER!"I sobbed. They ran over to me and pushed me into the van with Kenzie and started to drive off. I took the tape
Off of my sisters mouth and told her to stay calm and don't ever talk back to Harry. She quickly nodded yes and gave my a weak smile. "Where are we going maddie?" Kenzie whimpered. "I don't know." I quickly responded. I eventually managed to undo the knots on her hands and legs so she feel comfortable. "Maddie, I'm scared." "Don't worry Mackenzie I'll get us out of here,somehow" I told her. "I have an idea," Mackenzie whispered,"do you have your phone on you?!" "Yes! I do! Good thinking!" "Who should we call 911 or CPS?" I asked Mackenzie. "Ummm, 911, they'll bring police cars and they'll be arrested!" She quietly giggled. I dialed the number and it only took them a second to respond. Sadly I nor kenzie realized that the car came to a stop and to make matters worse my phone was on speaker phone, and just to make things go from bad to terrible Harry just opened the van door. "911 WHATS YOUR EMERGENCY?" It sounded like the operator was screaming through my phone, but it was just on speaker.
"Oh so you girls call the authorities on us, did you now? You think you are so clever don't you?" Harry said. He snatched my phone and yelled, "FUCK THE POLICE!!" At the operator and hung up. "GET OUT THE CAR BOTH OF YOU!" Harry yelled. I looked around and there was nothing more than emptiness for miles. We were screwed. "Sit down Girls" Melissa giggled. We sat down on the beach chairs that were laid out for us. I glanced at Mackenzie our the corner of my eye, she look horrified, I've never seen anyone more scared in my life. My thoughts were cut off by Melissa saying, "wow our first family reunion,let's start off with Mackenzie, how have you been?" She smiled. *long moment of silence* "I said, HOW HAVE YOU BEEN MACKENZIE?" "I don't know you tell me! How Would your life be after your parents ran you over with a car?!" Kenz snapped back. "DONT TALK TO YOUR MOTHER THAT WAY! YOUR DAMN LUCKY THAT SHE HAS FORGIVEN YOU FOR LEAVING THIS FAMILY!" Harry yelled. "Okay number 1.,you can't tell me what to do because you are insignificant in my mind! Number 2., you left me in that hospital to die!"
{authors side note: go back family secrets (chapter 11) and read the flashback} "what did you just say to me?" Harry challenged. "I said, YOU LEFT ME IN THAT DAMN HOSPITAL TO DIE!" Kenzie screamed. "Oh yeah, but you didn't die, and you want to know want? Now you're gonna die!"
Wow! What do you think will happen?😱stay tuned! Love ya!
Xoxo~ari😘💖 (this chapter was the longest of all of them so far! 1056 words can you believe it?😱)

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