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Maddie's POV

(7 years later) I've noticed him before but it doesn't seem like he knows I exist, his name is Logan and every one labels him as the "cutest guy in ninth grade" me however I don't fall in love easily. I always pass him in the hall like every other morning but today was different. He stopped me mid-stride "maddie, right?" "Um yeah"I sounded embarrassed but I swear I wasn't. "Wait how do you-..." "I saw your art... In the office." "Oh, well I have to go now, so bye!" "Wait let me walk you" "why" after a while he got annoying so I  agreed to let him do it. "Bye" Logan said "umm, bye" I thought he seemed nice but I knew he just felt pity for me, I wanted that to be the last encounter I ever had with Logan Toledo but after school he wanted to talk to me. "Where are we going?" I asked "you'll see!" He responded "we are here!" "A lake?" "Yep" he said , then we sat in a moment a of silence, "listen I wanted to asked you something maddie" "what" "do you self harm?" Then I realized he had seen them, my cuts, scars, and bruises not from me but my abusive parents. "Um no.." I answered sheepishly "oh..." I could tell he was embarrassed because a bright red hue flushed his cheeks and that only made me giggle. "What?!" "Nothing" I said. "How are your parents?" "I just met you! And your asking about my parents?!" I was surprised "not really, we've been in the same class since 1st grade." "Oh it's just that-" then he cut me off "you thought I never noticed you." I scoffed "so you think you've got me all figured out huh?! You ask personal questions that are none of your Business then you have the nerve to make assumptions?" I don't know why but I was really mad. "Maddie I'm really sorry I didn't mean to offend you." I had to admit that I felt really bad but just left without even looking back. I walked 20 minutes to my house and then I got the sudden feeling of fear, i was 40 minutes late and I thought (well here goes another beating) *enters house. "MADDISON ZIEGLER WHY THE FUCK ARE YOU LATE?!!!" Harold was terrible but when he's yelling he might as well be Satan in disguise. "Umm... I-i missed the bus" my whole body trembled  "you wanna know what happens when your late?" Then he dragged my by my hair to the basement and Opened the floor board that lead to his asylum of abuse weapons. He picks his 5 favorites and asks me "Maddison sweetheart how old are you?" His voice was chilling "f-fourteen" "alright that'll be fourteen strikes with five weapons, baby girl what's 14•5?" "70" "ohhh that's gonna do some damage! HAHA too bad!" He lies the tools out in a neat line and says"pick your poison princess!" I chose the leather belt I wanted the least painful first. "Wrong answer!" Then he slapped me so hard I heard my neck crack. I chose the brass knuckles with spikes "good girl Maddie!, are you ready?" "Yes sir" all he had to do was strike me once before the whole world went black. When I woke up I was covered in blood and I was in excruciating pain. "Oh Maddie sweetie,
Are you alright?" I was surprised to see my mother coddling me but she had a bottle in her hand so I knew the sobriety wouldn't last long "I love you Maddie"she stated "I-I um..."Then I started to sob "I lllove you too..." After she left I realized this was all Logan's fault I hated him and I never wanted to see him ever again!

Hey guys!!! Hope you like this chapter! It a lot better than the last one that's for sure!😂 I really want some comments so please leave some in the comment section! Love ya💕😘xoxo ~ari

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