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Maddies POV
I decided that since today is the last day my parents are out of town I'll take some time out of my day to visit Mackenzie. I call josh to see if come but he's having a "family day" with, you guessed it, his family. I wondered to myself what it was like to not have a broken family, but a whole family who cared for you and loved you,oh well.
I was on my way to Kenzie's house when I saw the mom and dads Car turn the corner and after that i knew i was in for the worst beating of my life. So without thinking, I threw my myself in front of the car and with the speed it was going it very well could've killed my but I wasn't even conscious because as soon as it struck me every thing went black. *two hours later* "maddie?" Logan yelled. "Maddie, stay with me, please I don't want to lose you!" My eyes fluttered open as soon as I heard Logan's voice. Everything was so blurry when I sat up but I could make out the faces. In that hospital room with me was kenz, mom, dad, and Logan. "Oh honey! Are you okay?" My mom asked. She was obviously faking it because she didn't really care. "Yes mommy, I'm ok" hey if she can fake her feelings why can't I? She pulled my into a hug so tight it was  suffocating and whispered in my ear, "This is gonna cost us so much money, so as soon as we get home ur gonna pay." "Yes mom." I sighed. "Maddie are you ok?" Kenzie asked. "Yes I'm fine thanks." And I pulled her into a hug whispering. "Why are you here mom and Harry are going to recognize you?!" And she whispered back. "Well the haven't so far!" "Maddie why'd you do that we cared about you"Logan said. As soon as Harry heard Logan's voice his ears perked up and a sly smile grew on his face. "Madison Ziegler who is that?" He yelled. "Which one?" "The boy, why is there a boy here?" "Hello sir, my name is logan, I'm just one of yours stepdaughters friends." Logan said for me. And he held out his hand to shake, "get that away from me!" Harry said "go, get out of here you two!" And with that Kenzie and Logan scrambled out of the room. "Why you have to do that!, you never let me have friends?" I cried. Then he slapped my cheek causing it to turn bright red. "Because you are a disrespectful piece of sh*it and a disgrace to this family!" He yelled. And he and my mom left the room, "well be back tomorrow!" He shouted. "Harry," mom pondered, "-that girl you scared away looked an awful lot like Mackenzie don't you think?" "As if Melissa! No one ever adopted her!"Harry said. "Huh, yeah, but don't you think the look alike?" Melissa said. "Yeah, a little bit, a doppelgänger."
First I would like to say I am sosososososososososo SORRY  for not updating in a while!!!! I'll update in 2 days I SWEAR!😂 however, I will be having a voting for the next chapter, so comment a "" if you want Harry to find you Kenzie was in that hospital room, or comment a "💔" if you want Harry to find out Logan is dating maddie. Love you! Xoxo      -ari😘💕

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