truth or dare?

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"Good morning Lucy. George" Lockwood greeted us happily as we were eating breakfast

"Morning" I said,looking up from the paper to see a brightly smiling Lockwood

"Lockwood, these past few days, you've been very..."George paused to think of a word to describe it "Happy. Now, I have nothing against being happy, but, may I ask why you are so happy?"

Lockwood shrugged "dunno" bounced around the kitchen, George and I just sat there in our chairs,watching him. We all just stayed like that for awhile.

"Wanna play truth or dare?" Lockwood asked,no longer able to stay still or quiet any longer

I grinned "sure" I was extremely good at thinking of dares. Usually.

"Just let me grab some donuts and that skull" George said

I groaned. I hated that skull. For too many reasons. I got up and made my way to the living room

"Let's play in here" I suggested to Lockwood.

"Ok. Just a warning,if George asks, don't pick truth" Lockwood said.

"Ok" I sat down on the sofa,and Lockwood plunked into his chair.he was about to say something, but just then, George came in and sunk into his chair and set the skull jar and donuts on the coffee table

"So,who's going first?" He asked

"You can"Lockwood offered

"Okay. Lucy, truth or dare?"

I thought for a moment,then choose truth,thinking I had nothing to hide. I heard Lockwood suck in a breath.

George grinned "Alright. What were the names of your friends?the ones that...died"

All the blood drained from my face. I guess I was wrong about not having anything to hide. Memories rushed through my head. A large shadow. A scream of pure horror. The soft weeping of a child. I tried to think of their names,but actually couldn't remember

"I-I think-one of them was Julie?that's-that's all I remember" I stuttered. My eyes watered and single, stubborn tear slid down my cheek.Lockwood stayed there, looking at me thoughtfully, George's eyes looking regretful, yet triumphant. I glared at George. There was going to be hell to pay.

"Alright" I breathed heavily "My turn" I continued glaring at George

"George,truth or dare?" I asked coldly

"Dare" he replied confidently.But his confidence wavered when he saw my grin

I thought for a minute "ok. I dare kiss the skull jar"

Now his face reddened "no way"

"You have chose dare" I smirked

He groaned "fine" he picked the jar up and I could hear it's screams from here:

Nooo!! Lucy,please!!

Anything but this! Please!!

George lifted it closer to his face and quickly pecked it on the side,but hesitated an inch away. He got it over with,but I could still here screaming the whole time


George put it back on the table calmly and scooted as far away from it as he could

"Your turn again George" Lockwood said

He wiped his mouth on his sleeve

"Jar,truth or dare?" He asked

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