Part 3

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I had been looking for Lockwood for over an hour,but I couldn't find him anywhere. So,I went down to the cellar to see if he was there,but instead I found Lucy. She was talking to the skull jar,and she was not happy about whatever it was saying. I'm just going to say she had an enormous range of curse words.

"Y'know,if I was a nun,you'd have soap in your mouth for days." I said casually leaning on the wall.

She looked at me." You're christen?"

I nodded "Yeah.well,my mother is anyway. I always hated church"

She nodded."Oh"

"Have you seen Lockwood?" I asked

"Uhh,yeah, he went out awhile ago." She rolled her eyes and yelled at the jar to,and I quote: "would you just shut the hell up?!"

I grinned. "What did he say?"

"Doesn't matter. Why are you looking for Lockwood?" She answered

"Because I am" I answered "no, I'm just joking, I'm looking for Lockwood because I need to talk to him about something." I laughed "I've been looking for him for so long that I've forgotten what I need to talk to him about."

"Well,you could either wait for him to get home, or I think he said something about a coffee shop on main or something."

"On main or something? I think it would be safer to wait here."

She shrugged and went back to cursing at the ghost jar. I snickered and she glared at me.Then I went back upstairs and decided to read a comic.

I walked briskly down Main Street towards my favourite Cafe. I sat down at one of the outside tables and ordered an espresso. Then I thought angrily about how infuriatingly cute Lucy could be. I'm not supposed to have a personal relationship with my co-workers,even though we were already friends. Just then I got a text. It was from George.

George-where are you?

Me-Cafe on main

George-k don't leave. I need to talk to you about one of our cases.


Maybe that will take my mind off...stuff.

"Lucy I'm going out!" I shouted down towards the cellar.

"Sure. Don't tell Lockwood I'm swearing at the jar!" She shouted. Then she said(hopefully to the jar) "F*** you!"

She was defiantly angry at that jar. I wondered what it had been saying? Oh well. I was defiantly going to tell Lockwood about the swearing though.

I grabbed an umbrella and left the house.

I squinted through the rain and saw George walking down the sidewalk with an umbrella above his head. Guess I had forgot to get one on my way out,because water was now dripping down my shoulders and face.

I didn't move as George came closer and closer. Finally,when he got here,I was drenched and still as a statue for a minute,then I looked up at George.

"Don't tell me I can't do this anymore" I said

He stared at me."But you can't Lockwood. You really have to stop doing this."

I shook my head stubbornly and changed the subject." You said you had a case to talk to me about?"

"Yes. It's the Conners case. The one we are all working on?"

I nodded "Go on"

"You remember the father? How he was so uncomfortable when we interviewed them?"

"Yes,yes,but what's your point here George?"

"He cheated on his wife." He told me

"How does that help?" I asked

"With the ghost girl." He added

"Oh. That makes sense that she would target them,especially if he killed her. But how did you find this at the archives?" I asked

"I didn't. I went over there yesterday to talk to them separately." He told me

"Oh. Well,let's go home and tell Lucy about your discoveries."

"Speaking of Lucy," George started "She's swearing at the jar again."

I cursed under my breath. She always had to do the opposite of what I said. Well,sometimes she listened to me,but rarely. I sighed "C'mon. Let's go to curse fest."

"Already been there." George muttered unhappily

I got up and we walked quickly back home.

When we got there, it was oddly quiet. I looked at George and opened my mouth to say something,but then an extremely long,potent list of curses came from the basement.

We raced downstairs and found Lucy shouting at the jar.

"Stupid,idiot,stupid,stupid, stupid!" She yelled at it

The jar must have said something,because,after a minute,she growled at it.

"Hey Luce. Bad day?" She jumped and looked over at us.

"You could say that." she sized me up,probably wondering why I was soaking wet. Again. But then she yelled at the jar to shut up and George and I glanced at each other. Time to get rid of the skill jar. I nodded at him and we split up. I went around the back of Lucy's chair,while George went around to the front,grabbed the skull jar,and flipped the switch down so that she couldn't hear it anymore.

Lucy inhaled deeply,then exhaled. She hesitated before saying,"Thanks guys."

We both nodded." I would suggest that you stay away from that jar for awhile Lucy."

"Yeah, probably..." Her voice trailed off

"No,not 'probably' " I paused "definitely" I said,using a time that I rarely used,and hated to do so.

She looked up at me and opened her mouth to say something,but then thought better of it. When I use that tone,there's no arguing with me.

"Ok. Mind telling me why you took a shower in your clothes?" She asked with a raised brow.

I looked at George. "That's a story for another time. We have a case,and the visitor isn't going to just disappear and show us it's source." I said

"Right. Well, after George left, I did manage to stop screaming at the jar for long enough to think properly about this case. And I've officially decided that it's kinda creepy."

"How do you mean creepy?" I asked

She gave me a look. " well,I mean, a missing girl,a ghost in the park,and the girl's mom."

"What about the girl's mom?" George asked as we padded up the steps and into the library.

"Well, Did you see the way she acted when idiot and his friends introduced themselves? It was almost like she was happy about her daughter being gone."

I nodded."You're right. She did seem a bit to happy for some one who just found out her daughter is missing." 

"But that's none of our business. We hunt ghosts. Not people." George paused "Also, I'm worried more that the girl will kill us if we get in their way." He said with a frown.

"Well, if it has something to do with ghostly possession, then yes, actually, it is our business. And I'm worried about that to." I said the last sentance quietly.

"You're worried about a girl with blue hair and a bad attitude, and yet you fight ghosts every other week?" Lucy asked with a raised brow.
She had a point, I realized. and a good one too.

"I guess we probably shouldn't be worried about that, but still..."

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