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I woke up by my phone's alarm. I got up and took a bath as i remember that i got to go to the marathon. I was just the head of the nurse that be in charge of treat injured person.

I grabbed my important things, ate some toast and entered the car. I drove to the place and parked the car. I got out from the car and was searching for the organizer.

Once i have found him, we chatted and drank some hot drinks. I do not like hot drinks but i just bear with it.

Around 7.30 a.m the marathon has started. This run was just for fun, to keep body fit and healthy.

The bang sound has heard and the participant began to run. I saw they ran so fast. 'heh, they must be tired after 5 minutes' i thought to myself.

I walked around the route and i was bored. So i went to the tent where the injured people was there. Once i reached there, a nurse pulled me and told me that there was someone that need to be treat.

I entered the tent and saw nobody was there except the trainee nurses and a guy winced in pain.

I rushed to the guy and asked him whats wrong. "cant you see my leg is hurt?!" He shouted at me. 'oh yeah, what a fool am i' i admit to myself.

I told him to be relax and i treated his leg. Once i have done, he asked me to go away.

"Okay u can go now" I looked at him bcs of his rude. "what? am i too handsome to u? now get out" he said again. "do u need to be so rude? i have make your leg fe---" "feel worse?" "what?!" "the way u treat my leg is thumbss downnnn" He finished his words with annoyed voice.

I was so angry so i went out and talked to myself like a crazy girl. Suddenly someone bumped onto me.

"hey!" i shouted. "ouch i-im sorry.. are u okay miss Ilya" 'who the heck knows my name' i looked up and saw the organizer. "i'm sorry Mr. luca yeah im fine" he helped me got up.

"why are u in hurry?" i asked him confusedly. "ah.. i heard that someone injured" 'it must be that rude guy'

"ahh.. i have settled it down. everything is okay" "you are the one that treated him?" "yeah why?" "thank u, im so be grateful that u are here" I nodded and smile.

'at least there are someone that appreciate me' I left a happy sigh.

Mr luca was so handsome. He was tall and kind and rich hahaha. This was not the first time we met. It was at the hospital.

"hey Miss Ilya? are u there?" He waved at me. "ah yes yes i'm just think about what i want to cook tonight" I laughed nervously. 'damn ilya, what kind of answer was that?'

"just on the time" he spoke. "huh?"
"like this, i just want to ask u go dinner with me? tonight?" His face looks uncomfortable though. Maybe he was nervous. "yeah sure" 'greaaattt'

he said that he will pick me up. and that night he brought me to a restaurant for rich people. It was a bit uneasy but at last i has flowed nicely.

He sent me home and i changed my clothes then i lie down on my bed. It was unforgettable memory. I felt so happy.


okay the cover photo is the pic of Mr. Luca. i dont even know who is that guy. Hahah seriously everything with google. Just imagine that is Mr. Luca. forgot to mention, luca is about 26. YEP THE MAIN CHARACTER WILL APPEAR IN THE PART 2.

i have exam around the corner so maybe i will update it a bit late but dont worry i will update it no matter what.


Love ya! ♥

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