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Gerard's Pov


Frnkieromustdie: Do you really wanna do this, gee?

Gerardway: yes, of course.

Frnkieromustdie: okay, good, because I've been waiting for this.

Frnkieromustdie: so I'll see you next week? :) xx

Gerardway: definitely.


Have you ever been so happy that all you could do was sit and just think about how happy you are? You forget about the world around you; You forget about the bad things in the world, while the good things come out brighter than they already appeared. As if everything was bright and happy just as you are. Everything is just great, and wonderful for a short period of time because you're happy. Who knew happiness could have such a big affect on how you view the world?

I pass by the dull houses of Belleville while I think this. I'm truly, genuinely, happy. Maybe more 'excited',  and happiness comes later, but I'm definitely happily excited. I'm excited that at this moment, I'm in a car looking at the GPS that has the address Frank gave me to his nearby book store.

I'm going to see Frank.

Of course I'm nervous as hell, though. It's not so much that I'm afraid if I'm not going to like what he looks like... But more of he's going to be disappointed when he sees what I look like. Yes, looks shouldn't matter, and they don't really... But everyone is first attracted to the physical side, then falls in love with the personality. I'm thankful to have had feelings for the personality and I'm practically speeding to meet the physical form of that.

Mikey, before I left, gave me a long speech about how I could be Cat Fished. He, however, doesn't fully believe that Frank is fake... But there's always this chance that he isn't who he says he is. I've thought about it before. Frank could be a dirty old perv; Frank could be trying to get something out of me that I'm not up for giving. I do believe this not true. I pushed back those negative thoughts, and focused on happy ones.

Even though Frank only lives two hours away, he insisted that I stayed with him for a couple nights. When I asked what 'a couple' meant, he just said "whenever you get sick of me." I packed for about 4 days. Of course, I won't nor attend on staying that long...But you never know. He planned to take me out to dinner on the second night.


One more block.

One block away from many possibilities.

We could either take this further, or end it all. I know I may be a little too serious about this... I'm looking into what future we can, or cannot have. We still haven't even me-

No, Gerard, I thought. You haven't.

But you're about to.

My heart was racing as i pulled into the Bookie, the name of the book store, parking lot. I wasn't going to back away now. Anxiety, or no anxiety. I slowly got out of the car, and made my way to the door. I pulled it open slowly, which made people near by turn and look at me oddly. I didn't particularly care at this moment. Once inside, I looked around.

[DISCONTINUED] He's The Prettiest Boy In The Chat Room -Frerard- boyxboy Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora