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Hello there my name is Sarola and I am the daughter of death and a succubus since my mom was one.

How my mom and dad met was pretty cliche like in one of those human romance movies, where a Lord and a maid/ servant fall in love with each other at first sight.

I actually don't remember my mom that much, since she died when I was around 5 years old.

Where some stupid assassin made a mistake in stabbing my mom instead of my dad when they were asleep.

My dad was devastated so was I.

I know what you're thinking my dad is death, well my sad was busy and didn't get to manage the death list instead made his minion s do the work he said to them before they arranged the list was

"Do NOT change anything to the list, only arranged them in order of time and date!".

Dad couldn't merge her soul back to her physical body nor replace it since the weapon used by the assassin was enchanted.

He did preserve her soul somewhere in the castle, he didn't make me see her soul nor told me where it was since he didn't want me to be depressed over what happened.

My memory of how she looked like isn't that clear, but I've seen her in pictures and she was beautiful I get why my dad love her not just for her looks but also her personality she was a great mom as far as I can remember.

The most I can remember of her is when she sings to me whenever I have nightmares, she let's me sleep in between them and pats me until I sleep.

She was actually a rare succubus, when the assassin saw his mistake and got frustrated however as he was pacing in the room quietly of course he took a closer look at my mom and realized who the woman was.

So he carried the body over his shoulder and sell her.

That's where I come in as the assassin was about to escape, I walked into the room and saw my mom on his shoulder.

I was smart at that age so instead of panic and scream making him get away, I surrounded him with black flames which is that part of what makes my mom rare and I inherited that ability.

I then ran to my dad and jump on him, he groggily sits up on his bed as he was about to yell at me, at the corner of his eyes he saw the suspect with my mom's limp body on his shoulder.

In a flash the assassin's head was in the air and somehow landed I'm my hands.

I was not disturbed nor surprised since my dad is Death name d this is the land of the dead.

When it was her funeral my dad wouldn't want to risk of burying her since someone would just dig it up and take her body instead burnt her.

Now her ashes sits above the fireplace in the living room along with a beautiful picture of her in a skimpy dress smiling so brightly, she's a succubus that's how we dress she still looked beautiful.

As for the head I kept it in my private training room as those small punching bags and for the weapon I kept just in case something happens.

My dad unlike in some of those human movies where the dad becomes overprotective and throws their child's freedom away, well for my dad its the opposite he has become more understanding and gave me as much freedom as I wanted.

There's a catch of course is that I would train and sparr on my free times or either scheduled.

So I didn't waste that chance, I was responsible and trained most o my time but sometimes I let my self loose and party.

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