Universal Scissors

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||Sarola's POV||

It's already around evening, I'm alone watching some human device box with moving pictures in it, I don't even know where Marco's parents are.

Just around 10 minutes ago some floating pony head came to the door looking for a party which was actually Star's best friend, they asked me to come but I wasn't in the mood for a club.

So bored what should I do.

Now, I'm just going through my back since I basically throw anything in it.

I found a half eaten sand which which I immediately threw out, a bunch of pens, crumpled papers, I book I never knew I got, 4 bottles of lotion, and other stuff.

I still kept rummaging through my bag until I felt something familiar.

My universal scissors, so that's where I put it, I should seriously organize my stuff but nah.

Since I have nothing else to do I'm going to use them which I just remembered the first time I used these.

Should I go there? I have nothing to do so yeah, okay.

I cut through the air in front of me changing into my human 12 year old form and style of clothing due to my analysis last time the time is different along with the style here.

As I go through I face a different mansion instead this one didn't have a yard.

|| Inside the manor||

"Your highness I sense someone is at front"

"Oh really, bring them to me I want to see if I can play with them~"

||Back to Sarola||

( sorry if I messed up on how they talk )

Hmm, right now I'm walking around the front observing.

A blur suddenly appeared and tried to grab me which I dodged by jumping and landing on the blur's shoulder, this was just like the other one but they couldn't just changed the appearance of the mansion in 2 years, well I did sense some abnormalities there.

As I went back to the blur that attacked me and look at it still on it's shoulders, bending forward to see, the it was actually a good looking man with glasses.

He seemed to have a stoic expression, now that I realized it I forgot to asks the other guys' name.

"Hey, what's your name?"

"My name is none of your concern"

He said as he fixed his gloves, as I was going to persist to tell me his name I felt hands grab my ankles which was Spidey's, I named him that since he wouldn't tell me his name plus I somehow feel his is a spider.

As he grabbed my ankles about to slam me to the ground instead I maneuvered it by landing with my hands and grab his head with my legs and slammed him to the ground instead.

"Don't slam someone when their about to talk!"

He just stayed on the ground shocked, I looked at him and said

"Hey you look like a butler, take me to your master"

"Very well"

He said as he stood go and patted the dirt off his outfit.

He seemed obedient, weird just a moment ago he tried to slam me to the ground but oh well, I just followed him into the mansion.

This place seemed fine it was decorated with a lot of gold, very different from the other one, as we entered by the stairs was a maid with a bandaged left eye and 3 butlers that were triplets.

Life on Earth || Star Vs The Forces of Evil Fanfic || {DISCONTINUED}Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora