Match Maker

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|| Sarola's POV||

Right now I'm in class extremely bored I should've skipped.

Oh yeah, people know I'm a succubus now since I forgot to use spell but they think its alright, these people are weird like they don't care there's a demon in their classroom right now, I'm still in my human form today though.

We got our results for a test and I got an A+ it was easy when you understand it but Star got an F and she thought it was a good score.

I went to Mewny once actually since I had nothing else to do and I got to meet Star's parents actually I didn't get to meet Star at that time since they said she was out and by out meaning beating monsters or accidentally destroying things.

Mewny didn't do tests at all or that they didn't have any education for the princess, I don't know, anyways when I looked up I see Ms. Skullnick as a troll and people cheering.

I looked away for one minute and this happens, ugh, I stood up to try and help them instead got telwported to Star's room.

She kept crying and there's a flood of tears, gross.

Star started screaming what the heck

"Star stop screaming!"


Marco started talking about dancing around the truth and she started dancing to the mirror, oh so she was calling for her mom.

Instead some guy named Tom showed up, hmm he seemed to be a demon, he was quite desperate for her not to hang up, ex maybe I think he has anger issues.

Her mom finally showed up, I went to say hi

"Hello Mrs. B"

"Oh, Sarola darling I didn't know you were on Earth"

"Well here I am on Earth, I'm just here since my dad didn't want me to get bored so yeah"

She just nodded and Star with a shocked face

"You know my mom?!"

"Yeah, I met her when I visited Mewny, you weren't there since you were-"

I was cut off by a bang and Marco running with Star's mom questioning her angrily, Star's a really bad liar, then she hang up.

I laughed since Marco's voice went high when he said Mrs. Skullnick jumped out the window even though she destroyed the wall.

I was just by the broken wall seeing them jump on top of her them some monsters showed up, so they were actually enemies I thought they were just Star's friends visiting every so often, poor Mrs. Skullnick she's being trampled.

Oh well gotta help them since Marco was being pecked to death by a huge chicken he handled that well but then a minatour showed up and off I go.

I kicked him on the head making him fly towards Mrs. Skullnick, they started intently staring at each other, gross.

Star think its cute, weird, the minatour started talking in I forgot what language was it but whatever.

Poor Marco he's being thrown around, these guys don't even notice me, maybe Marco just handle this.

I just sat somewhere enjoying the show, I changed in to my succubus form and then Star said nuclear blast, oh no I pulled Marco to me unknowing to me he landed on my boobs and created a barrier of black flames.

I heard a huge blast, I made the barrier disappear and asks Marco

"You alright?"

"Y-yeah, I'm okay"

Hmm, why is he red.

This Ludo guy is an asshole, his minion is bleeding internally and kicked him, everyone is extremely hurt, well at least Mrs. Skullnick is gone.

|| Time Skip ||
I'm in class again, Star started talking about what happened yesterday and how Mrs. Skulnick is gone forever and they started cheering.

Marco just got pushed until I whispered something to Star's ear and she said

"Thanks but it's Marco who's deserves aaall the credit"

Jackie then praised Marco, haha he started blushing that's so cute!

A postal then opened amend Mrs. Skullnick dropped out onto the the desk

"Mrs. Skullnick?!"

Asked Marco surprised

"He dumped me!"

Literally I thought

"I don't know, I couldn't understand a word he was saying!"

Star started saying welcome back to Mrs. Skullnick but she yelled

"Get ready for the worst pop quiz of your lives!"

Poor Marco, me and Star said

"Sorry Marco"

But Star continued

"I didn't mean to embarrass you in front of Jaky"

But to my surprise he was happy and whisper shouted

"Are you kidding, that's the most she's ever talked to me!"

"Then that means I'm even better at matchmaking than I am with magic".

I laughed since Star made Marco's hair into butterfly wings with one of his antennas on fire, I just put it out with my fingers.


Sorry I didn't update earlier, I was running out of ideas.

Pls comment which universe is she going to visit next!!

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