Power Rangers Claw Force : A New Tiger is Born

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All started two weeks ago when a random girl was Badly Hurt. she couldn't move her leg it hurt really bad . just when she thought she was in trouble. a girl shows up and starts fighting the monsters.

The random girl had no idea who she was. but she knew the girl .was probably their  to show up and help her .

"Get these things away from me " Said the random Girl.

" you just stay their this wont be that hard" the girl said to the random girl.

The girl round house kicked two into each other. Then punched another one in the gut . air split kicked two more freaks .knocked two more heads together. Then they disappeared in a gold electrical shock dust.

" here " the girl held her hand out for the random girl to grab.

" Thanks " Said random girl.

so who are you ?where did you learn to fight ? where are you from " the random girl said.

as she grabbed the girls hand and was pulled up.

I'm Holly " Holly Finley said .

" My Names Sally" the girl said ."

So is this your first time in Angle Grove ? " Holly asked Sally.

"Well not really I've lived here with my dad Staying a while With my cousin" Said Sally.

"Really why's that not that u have to tell me " Holly said .

Well my Aunt and uncle are taking me in for a While" Sally said. "

That must be hard u don't see your parents much " Holly said .

" Well My dad is working" Said Sally .

Really so I guess there Your only Family left " Holly said.

"Tommy is not my only family .I have more but he's been there for me when I really needed him" Said Sally.

"Sounds like you have a great cousin" Holly asked Sally .

" Tommy is the best cousin ever not that i ever tell my other family that" said Sally.


" So you save people from monster's Sally?" Said Holly.

"This was my first time fighting monster's. "Said Sally.

"Are you by any chance a Power Ranger? "Holly asked her .

Sally looked at Holly and laughed at her .

" Me a Power Ranger ha ha ha ha hah ".

she placed her hand on a tree near by as she laughed .

" your joking right Holly cause that's pretty funny " Said Sally.

"If your not a ranger then how did you fight those monsters like that Holly asked.

Look is there someone I can call to pick you up Sally Asked .

as she took her cell phone out of her bag.

"No ill just walk home "Holly said.

as she grabbed her orange purse .

" OK well I could walk u home if u like they probably send more monsters "Said Sally.

"Oh well I'll be okay " said Holly

" If I get. In trouble again I'll just ask my boyfriend "Said Holly.

"well if your sure I'll just head to the youth center " said Sally .

"So what school do you go to ?" Said Holly

" Ill be going to Angel Grove High " said Sally.

"Angel Grove High that's where I'm going " Said Holly

" well I'll guess I'll See u in school " Said Sally.

Sally walked off in the park and sat on the swing and swigged back and forth .

Sally Keeps swinging back and forth for a while then stops and walks and calls Tommy from my cell*

Hears it ring and waits *

As she waited a strange pink cat was sitting in a tree. watching her every movement . from when she helped Holly Till this phone call.

The phone rings a few more times before Tommy answers.

hello Said Tommy.

Tommy its Me I'm on my way to the youth center now Said Sally.

Sally where exactly are you right now .do u know how worried I've been Said Tommy.

Sorry Tommy I've had a detour" said Sally.

A detour ? where exactly at Sally ? " Said Tommy

A swings jungle gym trees " Said Sally

OK that means your in the Park Sally I'll be their soon .How Charged was your phone before this call ? " Said Tommy.

Fully charged so I should still be fine here " Said Sally

Alright I'll be there soon Said Tommy

Okay I'll see you soon Said Sally.

Sally ended the call and waited for Tommy to show up and take her back to the Youth Center. she sat down under the tree where the pink tiger zord was. She swooshed her tail .and dropped the morphed on Sally's head .then she disappeared . went back in her hidden place with a huge white tiger zord .

Ow said sally

She picked the morpher up .and looked up in the tree .their was nothing and no one there. she turned it over. And saw it was like a bracelet of some kind .

she decided to wear it .since it landed on her head .that means that it was meant for her to find it . she opened up her pink purse and took out a book and started to read it as she waited for Tommy to Arrive.

Tommy was heading towards the Park in his red Car. When some strange creature s appeared in front of his Car.

Not again why does this always happen Tommy Said.

Stopping his car he gets out and starts fighting the Hekas

Tommy fights off the Hekas and they disappear in a gold electric shock dust. tommy gets back in his car and continues driving*

Sally sits still reading her book

Tommy pulls on the side of the park in the parking lot gets out of his car .heads in the park to find Sally.

Tommy now where would she be .I swear she loves this place so much.sometimes she's in one place a lot.then another place here .I should call her again just to find her.

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