Power Rangers Claw Force : Hekas Appear

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Queen Sphinx: I want u to go and attack the city now *points to the Hekas*

Hekas dissappear down to the city and start attacking it *

Alpha 5 : Beta we need those new rangers now

Beta One :okay Alpha

Teleports in Sally, Silvia, Kameron.

Woah * they all fall *

Sally :gets up * where are we * looks around *

Silvia looks around *

Kameron : in a lab of some kind *Kameron Helps Silvia Up after geting up himself *

Alpha Five: hello I am alpha five .u three have been chosen. as the last team of rangers .to be given powers by an old friend of mine Zordon . *Looks at them *

Sally :chosen for what *looks confused and concerned on whats going on *

Silvia : I remember seeing a robot like him before *goes closer to Alpha 5 *

Kameron: not now Silvia Kay. we like dont know why were here *hand on her shoulder *

Beta one: I am beta one and to answer your question. u Sally Oliver , Silvia Kwan and Kameron Hays .Have been chosen to be new Power Rangers * says with a happy Voice *

Silvia :wait we grew up with the power rangers saving us *she looked At Both Alpha 5 and Beta 1 *

Alpha 5 :ur skills are what made the Zords pass the powers to u in ur morphers *alpha said happily to them. knowing zordon would be pleased to know ,kids he saw with the rangers .they were with well a few became rangers *

Sally :u mean these * holds out her morpher*

Beta one :yes that's exactly what we mean Sally alpha *looks at Alpha 5 *

Alpha five: rangers there isn't any more time today to talk u must stop those monsters * looks at the viewing globe .as a projection video appears*

Kameron :what are they and like how do we stop them *Looks in the viewing globe projection*

Beta one :they are called Hekas they are horrible underlings but u should together be able to stop them *looks at Kameron as she said that *

Alpha 5: remember rangers to morph press on the morphers throw ur arm forward the one with the morpher then say ur color and animal *He said ready to teleport them out *

Beta 1:Sally u have control of the pink tiger zord ,Silvia u control the yellow Wolf cat Zord and Kameron u have the blue Monitor lizard Zord

Alpha 5: go rangers and may the powers u have protect you all *hoping they can do this with just three of them*

Sally :let's go then *She walks to the center*

Beta one teleports them down and silvia dissapears in a yellow light ,Sally Dissapears in a Pink Light and Kameron Dissapears in a blue light .

Silvia :hey dumb magic heads over here *waves her arms to get there attention *

Kameron: yeah follow us *cups his hands over his mouth yelling*

Sally and Kameron and Silvia run to where there are no people around with the Hekas following them *

Silvia :is it time now ?* Looks at Sally *

Kameron :Sally ...*looks at her as well*

Sally :* breaths * okay ITS MORPHINE TIME PINK TIGER!!!!

Silvia: YELLOW WOLF CAT !!!!!


Push down and extend there left arm as they say it *

Queen Sphinx: * looks in her mirror and stands up *

They are rangers Rangers ugh

Hekas start to fight them*

Sally: these things are as crazy as what we saw as kids

Silvia: I know * kicks them *

Kameron: seriously I think we need more rangers to help

Sally :we can do this if we put our minds together nothing is impossible

Silvia: preaching ur cousin

Sally :split kicks the Hekas* maybe

Silvia laughs as knocking two of the Hekas heads together*

Kameron: kicks some into the others*

When doesn't Sally do that

Silvia hmm *attacks another one* good question

Sally like u guys don't do that

Silvia well yeah I do sometimes copy Trini but that was straight from Tommy's book of speeches* attacks another Hekas*

Sally giggles punches one and elbows another then back kicks * i didnt know he made one *she giggles *

Kameron well i dont think he knows he made one either *throws one at the rest they saw *

Sally well u think we got them all

Silvia I think so Sally

Kameron we like actually stopped them . they  turned into a gold electric shock dust

Sally that is probably a way for us to know we defeated them.

Silvia well what do we do now ?

Kameron juice Bar ?

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