Power Rangers Claw Force : Scorpions deadly Sting

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Sally laid in her bed looking up at the ceiling . It was still hard at home for her because the past she knew never could leave her mind . her parents accedent and an attack by a monster when she was younger .it never left especially since her parents accident were recently brought up. that year as they were presumed Dead .

She recently found out that her dad. she thought was her dad just Adopted her. told her with Tommy around . she also Found out Tommy is her Real cousin too .which means her real family must not have cared. if they didnt want Tommy either .

she was lucky she had her friends and boyfriend Jeremy . speaking of him it was getting harder for him and her. to keep there relationship a secret from Jason and Tommy .

They knew they had to tell Tommy and Jason. She was thinking of going down stairs and talking to Tommy about it . just she didnt know how .

But she thought and got up and headed downstairs . she heared Tommy and her dad Talking .

Tommy she's probably really in pain and would need to rest. although she can get through it " looks at his uncle

Sally heard and wondered if telling Tommy at that exact moment was for the best .she went back up stairs and decided to Text Jeremy .

Sally : hey Lion can we talk i had a really hard night already

Jeremy : need me to come over Tiger i can Teleport in

Sally: i love u to but Tommy is still here and i think hes staying in the guest room

Jeremy :ur wondering if we should tell them now . Ive been thinking the same thing .

Sally: should we i mean u can teleport in and we can tell Tommy tonight

Jeremy : i know ur still scared. so am i but do u need me there. i can Teleport in and stay quiet

Sally :yeah i just found out my dads not my dad. my real parents are presumed Dead.

Jeremy :Oh Tiger i'll be right there Kay * teleports out of his room. in a red light straight to her bed *

Sally lays my head in Jeremy s chest and crys hard not knowing what else to do *

Jeremy strokes her hair as he holds her close. lays down with her in her bed above the covers .not caring if her Dad or Tommy caught him .she needed him.

Tommy felt something familiar but shook it. off he knew sally probably needed some more time alone

Next day after school Scorpion monster winds up in a night club and rangers have to go in morphed

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 17 ⏰

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