Will and Won't/Disclaimer

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I don't own Percy Jackson. Only the plot idea.

Thanks @Athena_201 for the cover!!! It's awesome!

Hey guys! So I'm now doing a Khaos story!!! I hope you enjoy it! Here is some of what I will and won't do:

•Make a completely different plot line compared to other Khaos stories.
•Try to make this funny for y'all. I know that makes a big difference in enjoyment sometimes.
•NOT BETRAY PERCY. I have a different way of doing the whole Khaos part.
•Make a background Percabeth.
•Make a new antagonist rather than Order or Kronos and Gaea. (Feel free to help me think of one)
•Have a schedule for updates. (Every other Sunday until further notice)
•Have CHB and CJ have a border which keeps you immortal inside of it like Hunters of Artemis type.
•Act as if the final Leo chapter in BoO never happened. I suck at romance and Caleo will just be to much to handle. So basically Leo is alive, but never really died either.
•Most likely have a random update schedule. With longer chapters I don't want to ruin the story by having a set date. Hope you understand.

Have nonexistent ships. (Must be Rick made, like, fully. It must be announced by him in books)
•Make a basic Khaos plot line.
•Betray Percy by the classic new camper who turns camp against him.
•Make Annabeth cheat on Percy.
•Make the Seven become gods. (Seriously?! Zeus is scared of more power. Whyyyy???)
•Make anyone but Percy OP
•Have OoCness!!!!
•Often have A/Ns within chapters. Unless it's important

I hope y'all are excited!
I know I am!!!
Now... Onto:

Decline of Power

Decline of Power (Percy Jackson Chaos/Khaos Story)Where stories live. Discover now