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Joe's P.O.V

So me and Ronia went our seprate ways to go to the locker rooms and meet up at the food area. So the whole locker room is talking about it. Ronia and I getting married on tv. The thing is she doesn't know. This can only go 2 ways. And i hope it goes as planned.

Ronia's P.O.V
Gossip going around the ladies locker but nobody is telling what it is. And everyone is being very weird. I wonder if there was a memo that i missed. Nobody was talking to me what did I do. i have no idea whats going. I'm getting mad.

(45 minutes later)

Joe's P.O.V
Alright the time is now all i can do is hope that she is not moody and in a bad mood. I was talking in a white tux. The crowd looked confused. Some people got it but not most. So I called out Ronia and she was confused just like the crowd. I took a deep breath and then i said " Ok Ronia you are 1 of the best things to happen to me.I love the way you act with my daughter and my family. I make melt inside when you smile. I couldn't ask for more. So I have 1 question? WHAT ARE THOSE ? I quickly said just kidding. Because i saw the smile fade on her face. She playfully punched me on my arm. So Ronia will you marry me? YES YES YES! She screamed. And that is how i got married maybe i will tell you more next time but right now i am tired night guys.

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