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Joe's P.O.V
Now we are on our way to Washington D.C for smackdown and our holiday tour thing.
We have been on this plane for 45 minutes and I have not rested one bit. I had to stay up and watch Hazel until she feel asleep. How nice of my family. But even if I wasn't watching her I knew that I wasn't going to go to sleep. The thought of marriage is still on my mind.  Right now I feel as if I rushed into this. At the time I thought that it was right. But I'm not so sure now. 🤔🤔🤔
I can't tell Ronia or anyone for that matter about this.

Ronia's P.O.V
"I can believe I slept the whole ride." I said to Joe. I was grabbing our bags. With NO help from a man. He just sat there and stared into space. He clearly has something on his mind.  But I don't what to mess with this. I'm just going to leave it alone for now.
But forgetting that.
We are in my HOMETOWN. Washington DC.
Maybe Joe can meet my parent. Nahh.
I grabbed my bags and Hazel from Joe and walked down the terminal. (Joelle was with Joe.)
I wasn't long before the airport was filled with Superstars and Divas.
I looked through the crowd of superstars and NO sign of Joe.  I put Hazel down because she was HEVEY. What are we feeding this kid.
I can't deal with being alone. I have a past of losing people. And when I do I fain--. And I was passed out.

Joe's P.O.V
"RONIA" I yelled out.  I dropped all my bags and ran to her.  Joelle was right next to me . I toke so long because was talking the boys. I didn't mean to happen. I immediately toke out my phone. And called 911. Oh my don't let my WIFE. Be dead

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