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She heard someone calling at her.She's outside the.After Belinda, another annoying creature.Fine, maybe I should get used to it.
"What do you want Audrey?", as Audrey got near.
"Chill little girl.I'm not here to fight", Audrey with her mischievous smile.Cattleya chuckles with sarcasm.
"Spill, I'm in a hurry".
"You have to come with me.It's important", Cattleya could somehow saw that she's serious.But what if she's just bluffing.
"Come on little girl.It's really important.You can tell your boss that you're with me if you have doubts with me.",
"Audrey, I don't know anything more important to me than my job, so what is that about?",
Audrey sigh first.
"It's about Eric.We can talk the whole matter in the car.I'm also in a hurry little girl, I'm having a flight this afternoon", she sounds frustrated now.Don't know if she can really make Cattleya believe her now.
Cattleya froze hearing about Eric and her flight.
Are they flying together?
"You're flying with Eric?So you and Eric now?", she almost yell.
Audrey's facial reaction is puzzled.
"Excuse me?where is Eric heading?And hello?! there's no Eric and me, little girl", and she laugh hard.
"Will you stop calling me little girl?!"
"Fine, get in the car now"., Audrey waited her inside the car.
She then sitted beside her.Don't know if it 's a good idea.And it should be..a one day absent in her job is a big loss for someone like her.
Audrey started conversing.She was shocked what she have learned.She feels like something is stuck in her throat.Sad truth.
"Why me Audrey?"though she already had an idea why."Okay, you don't need to answer that.I know how you disgusts me.You just love seeing me pissed and hurt.But don't worry, I'm still willing to help", she then heave a sigh.
Audrey took glances at her.
"I know he's not your boyfriend.And I ask your help about this cause you are closer to Eric lately.And to save your feelings.Don't you think I'm right about this?For me its better that your the first one to know.".
Cattleya thought that Audrey could be right.And she could see sincerity in her words too.
After a fifteen minute ride they stop at the front of the hotel.
"She know you Catt.Remember the anniversary of my parents, she was there but before everyone could noticed her she decided to go home.She saw you with Eric", they were inside the hotel's elevator.
"That's why she decided to come out now after a long time.She didn't even think if she could hurt someone by her blasting come back", she really wonder what kind of woman she'll be facing today.Eric's ex.Who just suddenly wanted a dramatic comeback after five years, just because she just realized how she love Eric?and to introduce the fruit of their past love?Audrey told that Eric and this Matilda girl have a 4 year old daughter.Will she use their daughter to get him back?
"We're here".
After a few seconds the door open.There stood a woman in her late 20's or early 30's.She's tall, blonde, slim and tanned.She's beautiful.And just like Belinda, Cattleya realized again just how these two women made herself shrunk.
"Come in", Matilda said.
They were sitted in the couch.Audrey broke the silence.
"Matilda this is Cattleya, Catt it's Matilda." both nodded.Audrey excuse herself for she need to prepare for her afternoon flight.
"I'm sorry I knew from Audrey that you have work today", Matilda spoke.Cattleya found her different from Belinda.Matilda has no air of arrogance.
"It's okay.Can we start talking why I'm here?", just then a young girl came probably from her room.Cattleya can't help staring at her.She's all Eric.Especially her eyes.She looks so adorable.So beautiful.
"Who is she Mommy?", she heard the girl.Her voice is so tiny.
"S-she's a friend honey.She's Cattleya."
The girl went to Cattleya.
"I'm Felicity", Catt got infected with Felicity's smile.She's smiling too.
"Hello Felicity".
Then Matilda told her to go her room.
"Why now?", Cattleya ask.
"Before I thought it would be easier for me.Work and raise my daughter.But as she grow, she started asking about her Dad..Catt, Eric doesn't know her.When I found out that I was pregnant me and Eric was already over.And he's still in med school, I don't want to ruin his studies that time.Until I lose courage". Matilda's voice is trembling.She's trying not to cry.
"I think it's selfishness.I don't know what's my role for this situation", Cattleya said.She really feel it is so not fair for Eric.
"I'm sorry Catt.I know this is all my mistakes.But this is for the sake of my child.I just realized that she has the right to know her other families".
"You don't even think that what if Eric had already a girlfriend, a fiancee or a wife and a family of his own."
Cattleya stood.Matilda had her silence.
"I don't think I'm the right person for this.I just knew Eric lately.I'll send a friend of him for you.And Eric is having a convention in Australia.It could be a month". then she went out.
It's already lunchtime but she's not hungry yet.She decided not to work the whole day.She's in her place now.Sitting in the couch.Somehow, Matilda's coming affects her.Eric is a good person, caring and sweet to her.And somehow they are building a more closer relationship.Cattleya admit that Mr. Mallik had occupied her heart but she's also aware that she can't have him more than she wanted.But to Eric, he had showed all to her all that she wished and needed from Mr. Mallik.But now everything's goes to blur.Chances is uncertain anymore.They had a child.And she don't want Eric to become like her unknown father.She know the feeling of being unrecognized.For now, she need to distance her self from them.She'll ask Jam's help or any of the Malliks for Matilda.She needs to find one of them.She remember the lunch invitation of Arcival's mom.Maybe there she can talk either of them.

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