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"Now where did you get that idea?That's too childish act, do you know that?I never treated you less than the others, did I?" his face are all red now.He had tried hard not to yell.
"Oh, that's why you can't act like how you are when were alone.Scared of your girlfriend?Ashamed of the others?" she's almost yelling.She tried to loosen from his grip but he just tightened it.
He can't believe in all she had said.How could she think of something like scared and ashamed?.They are glaring with each other.
"Nass, is there a problem?you're hurting her", Jam said.
He loosen her.
"Where are you going?", he shouted at her.Knowing how stubborn she was.Thinking she might go home wet and wrapped with a towel.Robert, Norman and Belinda we're looking at Nass.Nass didn't mind the eyes on him.
"Right where I belong", she shouted too and headed directly at the kitchen.But Nass held her again.
They were in front of Robert, Norman and the furious ever Belinda.
"Is there a problem Nass? Catt?", Robert seems wondering looking of them, Nass holding Catt's arm.
"I just need to take her somewhere she can rest.She's drunk and acting crazy".
"What?! No I'm not..will you take your hands off me Mr. Mallik or else..
"or else what?"..he cut her.
Norman and Robert were looking at them fondly.
"I hate you so much!", is all she could say.
"See, she's drunk.", Nass grinning.
"You can put her in my room Nass.", there goes Arcival that made Cattleya more embarrassed.
Nass lift her in his shoulder and went inside the room.
"Hope you don't mind them Bel.", Robert said.
"I don't mind.I know Catt is like a sister to him", though her thoughts is clearly saying that there's more of a sister for him to her.
"They look like a young married couple in fight", Norman laugh.
Robert can't help to think the scene of Nasser and Cattleya.

JUST FOR ONE NIGHT(Put Down Your World for Me)Where stories live. Discover now