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We entered the Great Hall where there were heaps of people hugging and talking to each other. I saw Luna bounce off to some of her Ravenclaw friends. The Patil twins gave me a hug when we reached our table. I also saw Draco Malfoy at the Slytherin table with Crabbe and Blaise, he gave me a little smile which I returned.

"Hey guys" said Seamus sitting beside Neville. He was replied with some 'Hi's' and Harry clapped him on his back but he didn't really look thrilled. We talked to each other while Ron kept on grumbling on how hungry he was. Typical Ronald. Hermione was busy telling him off. I, on the other hand, was still engrossed on the book I was reading. It's just so good to be true. It was, in fact, written by a muggle but I love all muggle books. I find them very interesting.

I stopped reading when Fred put his hand on my shoulder and point at the entrance to the Grand Hall. I saw Professor McGonagall leading a crowd of first years toward the front. I saw some first years who looked scared, others anxious and others just looked smug. I was certain that they'd be placed in Slytherin. I remember the day I the Sorting Hat was placed on my head. It was a life-changing moment, really. I clapped and cheered for those who got into Gryffindor. They were just as awestruck as I was when they first laid eyes on Harry.

Then after a few announcements made by Dumbledore, which just mainly consisted of no one going to the Forbidden Forest and steering clear of the Whomping Willow, just the usual announcements he does every year. "Let the feast begin!" he then said with a wave of his hand, platters of food appeared in front of us. Ron practically dived at the table when he saw the food which sent Hermione rolling her eyes. I got my fair share of food with Fred munching on his food quite noisily beside me.

After dinner, Professor Dumbledore finally welcomed all of us formally. His speech was always as inspiring as the last. He then introduced our new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher. Her name was Dolores Umbridge. Terrible name, if I do say so myself. Dumbledore was halfway through his speech when he was interrupted with a high pitched sound which I finally summed up as Umbridge clearing up her throat. She then strode to where Dumbledore was standing. How dare she, I thought. I merely sneered at the thought. I didn't even bother listening to what she said but what Harry said caught my attention. "She was at my hearing", he said. "She works for the Ministry," I said "What does this mean, Mione?" she looked at me sadly and said "It means, the Ministry is interfering with Hogwarts"

Great, I though to myself as we headed back to our common rooms. I was almost at the first step of the staircase when I tripped and almost hit my head on the edge of the stair. Fred, George and Ron came running to me. "Cassie," said Ron "you okay?" i lightly sneered at him and replied "Just divine, Ronald" George threw me a little chuckle "She almost bumps her head on the staircase yet she still has the nerve to be sarcastic?" Fred helped me get on my feet. I noticed that it was because of an untied shoelace that I tripped. "Blast theses stupid laces." I was about to bend down and tie them but Fred already got down and tied it himself doing a tight double-knot. He stood up and put bis hand on my shoulder "You sure you're okay?" he asked reassuringly. I nodded "Yeah, and you didn't have to tie my laces for me." he gave me a light smile, "It's okay, I wanted to anyway. Want me to bring you to the Hospital Wing? Madame Pomfrey can fix up you up a bit." I shook my head. "It's fine, I'm okay really" We just stood there for a while gazing into each other's eyes. We were interrupted with Ron clearing his throat. I was snapped back to reality and the four of us bounded for Gryffindor tower together.

As we went back up, I couldn't help but notice that Fred's been awfully kind today. First with my backpack and then this. Anyway, I came to the conclusion that he's my best friend and he's just looking out for me. Nothing more. I mentally sighed to myself. But the one thing that kept pestering me right now is the thought of Professor Umbridge. Well, first of all, she looks like an undead toad. Secondly, I think she's obsessed with pink, I slightly shuddered at the thought that a woman in her late fifties would be overly dressed in nothing but pink. But anyway, she works for the Ministry, and if there's one word I can use to define the Ministry of Magic, it's that they're daft. How can't they believe Harry that You-Know-Who's back? How can they not believe that You-Know-Who's killed an innocent soul, and that innocent soul happens to be Cedric Diggory. I laced my fingers on the owl pendant he's given me choking back a tear or two. I'm sure that Defense Against the Dark Arts this year will be nothing but impractical. I mean, it's the Ministry we're talking about here, for Merlin's sake! Even if my brother does work for the Ministry, he isn't a big fan of it either. He's just waiting for time to pass to finally manage the family business which is practically broom-designing, the potions industry and some books about Defense against the Dark Arts. Life isn't fun when you're a Devereaux like me who lives in a generation like this.

And you might ask how I can feel all of this without exploding? Because, as Hermione has once pointed out, I do not have the emotional range of a teaspoon, unlike Ronald.

I could literally feel Hogwarts taking a turn. For the worse, that is, and I am not happy about it.

Not one bit.


Hello there lovelies! Sorry if that was short. I'll make it up in the next chapter! My updating schedule will be like this; This May, I'll try uploading once in every two days. But in June, (school starts in June here) I might be updating less than three times a week so please bear with me. And trust me, this story os gonna be good! Love you all and thanks for reading!




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