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I got into the dormitory room that I was sharing with Hermione, Lavender Brown, Fay Dunbar and Parvati Patil. I was glad they left out the bed by the window. Ever since my first year here, I always got the bed by the window and I was happy with these arrangements. I found my trunk and duffel bags beside my bed, too. I didn't plan on unpacking everything tonight, I'm exhausted. Considering that I stayed up all night last night because of reading yet another muggle book. I yawned and plopped myself on the soft four poster bed. I was happy to be seeing red and gold again. Trust me, try living in a house with nothing but green, silver and black and see if you don't shriek a bit when you get your first burst of sunlight.

I saw Hermione who was busy taking out all of her books while she carried some to the little bookshelf we had. Fay was braiding Parvati's hair and I saw Lavender who was busy with all of her clothes. I stood up from my rather comfortable position a while ago and opened my trunk. I got a few sets of my uniforms and hung them on the closet. I fished out some jeans and hoodies which I folded and on some of the closet drawers.

After unpacking for about half am hour, I decided that I'll finish tomorrow. Anyway, I already had my things ready for the next day. I got into my nightwear which was basically an oversised shirt amd some comfortable shorts. Lavender was already asleep but she's already finished unpacking, as I could see. Fay and Parvati were already in bed but they were still talking to each other. On the other hand, Mione was still looking all stressed out unpacking. I decided to help her. "Hey, Hermione! Need some help?" She bent down and picked up a book from her trunk putting it into the bookshelf "No need, Cassie. I was going to finish it tomorrow anyway. I have way too much books." We chatted a little bit and then she decided to call light's out so we said our good night's to each other. I walked to my bed and once again plopped onto it.

After rolling and finding trying to find a good position to sleep in, I decided that I'll read a book for time to pass. "Lumos" I whispered and the tip of my wand lit. I had to keep my wand light to a minimum so that I won't wake the others. I was already on the last few pages of the book but my eyes won't shut. I always fall asleep when I'm in the middle of reading. Why can't I sleep now? Ugh! I groaned as I stood up and grabbed a pillow from my bed. I tiptoed carefully to the door and opened it.

I was walking toward the common room now. I finally decided that if I couldn't sleep up there I'd at least warm myself up by the fire down here. I was about to sit myself on the couch when I heard someone say "Hey Cassie" I almost jumped ten feet at this. Merlin, who goes to the common room besides me at this ungodly hour?! "Oh, hey Fred." I replied as I caught my breath. 'Sorry for startling you. Are you okay now?" he asked reassuringly. "Yeah, yeah I'm okay now but Fred you nearly gave me heart failure." I said as I sat beside him in the couch. "Sorry Cassie." he said genuinely. I regained my normal breathing now but then I started to wonder what could Fred be doing down here at this late hour. "So Fred, what brings you to the common room at this late hour?" I asked. He looked at me and said "I might just ask you the same thing, Cassie" I rolled my eyes and answered, "Well, if you must know, I tried everything and I still couldn't sleep so I went down here" He was silent for a while but then he answered, "So you're planning to sleep in the common room, then?" I sneered at his little statement. "Of course not Freddie." he nodded his head and sarcastically replied "Of course not, Miss Devereaux."

We just sat there talking about summer again. He told me that he and George were planning to open a joke shop when they graduated. They were actually planning to buy Zonko's but then they realized what's life without a tiny bit of competition. He then forced me to talk about my oh-so-boring summer. He kept pestering me to tell him about it, so I did, leaving the part about Draco.

After I told him about my summer, he said "Oh." I looked down embarrassed "Boring, right?" I was expecting him to say something really upbeat like 'Of course not, that wasn't boring at all!' but he just nodded his head. "You need to spend next summer with the Weasleys" he suddenly blurted out and I chuckled. "Fred," I started "as much as I want to, I can't. Dad would murder me. But maybe you could give me some tips to make my summer a bit better." he looked happier when I said this. He babbled on how I should spend the day at the beach, fly my broom across London, and some other fun stuff this wrackspurt-filled head of mine could never think of.

It's been you all along (A Fred Weasley Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now