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My dreams were hazy; I saw a jet of green light blast out from nowhere which then shifted to Ron dancing with a hippogriff, then came Fred and me laying down on a field of neatly trimmed grass and purple hyacinths... Wait, what?!

Before I could analyse my dreams, the scene rippled and vanished when I heard some faint whispers and laughter around me. I just shrugged it off and tried to go back to sleep.

Then a camera flash went off.

That's when I woke up.

I woke up with a gasp so loud I swear that it could've woken up the dead. My loud gasp made Fred wake up with a jolt and I saw his arm accidentally hit George on his nose. George fell to the floor and groaned in pain. I saw Hermione who made him stand up and pointed her wand at his nose saying "Episkey!" I heard a faint a crack which meant George's nose was readjusting itself.

I saw George, Hermione, Harry and Ron standing in front of me with both looks of confusion and mischief sprawled across their faces.

"Cassidy," asked Harry, "what exactly are you two doing here?" Oh Merlin! I needed to think of a good excuse, I wracked my brain and finally stammered, "I-er-uhmm, sleepwalked! Uh, yeah..."

Okay, I know. It was a bad excuse. 'Bad excuse' is an understatement.

"Yeah," piped in George sarcastically, "that really explains the oh-so-comfortable position that both of you are sharing right now." he added whilst wiggling his eyebrows. I looked down and sure enough I still had my arm draped over Fred's chest and his arm was still slung over my shoulder.

We immediately let go of each other and I turned into a bright shade of red. This is the most embarrassing moment that happened in between me andy friends. And you ask how I feel?

I feel... happy. I don't know why, but I am.

"So Fred," asked Ron, "Did you come here last night to snog Cassidy's face off?" Fred replied an immediate 'no' but me on the other hand, stood up and grabbed him by the shirt. "Ronald Bilius Weasley," I said angrily, "If you ever say something like that to me or to anyone else ever again, I will not hesitate to put a little drop of swelling solution on you daily pumpkin juice." George literally had to pry my grip off Ron's shirt.

When I finally collected myself, we went upstairs to prepare for school. While walking up the stairs, George was talking to Fred and it made Fred laugh. I didn't even bother to listen to what they were talking about because all I want right now is a nice warm shower. I was so sure that I reeked right now.

The boys went to their dorm rooms and Hermione and I went to ours. I saw Lav still sleeping, Parvati who was trying to get out of bed and Fay who was dressing in her robes. I greeted them all a happy morning and ran to the shower. I stripped and let the warm water trickle from my head, through my back and finally to my toes.

It felt good.

After a good fifteen minute shower, I dried my hair and body with a little spell, I wrapped myself up in a towel and went to the closet. I changed into my robes then put on my socks and finally slipped in my black wedges. I decided to let my hair just fall today. Contented with what I saw when I looked in the mirror, I finally put on my necklace. I got my wand from under my pillow and twiddled with it a little. The wands core was always a mystery to me...

I saw Hermione put her last book to her bag which signifies that we're going for breakfast. We walked or rather skipped to the Great Hall like the crazy little schoolgirl's that we are.

We sat in our usual seats and I got myself a plate of overflowing food and a tall glass of pumpkin juice. I was halfway through my food when the boys arrived. Fred took his usual seat in front of me. He flashed me a smile which, of course, I returned. Meanwhile, George's eyes were flickering between me and Fred.

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⏰ Last updated: May 30, 2013 ⏰

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