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•Fred's POV"•

"Hey, remember the time Peeves-" I said but was broken off when I felt Cassie's head fall to my shoulder. I looked at the clock and saw that it was half-past midnight. I draped my arm over her and pulled her closer into me. She looks so peaceful when she sleeps. She still has the same curly brown hair, pale skin and neat eyebrows from when I first saw her seven years ago. That was the day that I began to fancy her.

She looked beautiful.

I lightly kissed her forehead and laid my head in hers.

My dream was all fuzzy. I saw streaks of red and green collide with each other, George and I planning some random prank, Ron singing on a flying bathtub across the Great Hall, the first time I saw Cassidy's light blue eyes....

"Fred! Fred, wake up!"; I heard someone scream from afar. "Fred!" he said more irritated as I felt myself being pushed.

I fell to the floor very much awake and cursed. I looked up and saw George smirking down at me. "Had a comfortable night, I presume?" he asked. I yawned. I noticed that Cassie wasn't beside me anymore. Maybe she went off to her dormitory. But didn't she even bother to wake me up. "Where's Cassie?" I asked. George looked t me with a confused look painted on his face. Merlin, did I just say that out loud?! Bloody Hell. "What about her?" he asked. I needed to make an excuse, fast. "I-I-uh-What?" I stammered quickly. "Duh, you asked me where Cassidy is." he said as a matter-of-factly. "Why would I ask where she is?" I quickly replied "Well, someone's a little grumpy today." he said "Anyway, we'd better get ready if we want to have a nice breakfast" I nodded as I stood up from the floor.

As George and I went up the staircase that led into our dormitory, I was incisively drowned in deep thoughts. 'Why had Cassidy left me there without even bothering to wake me up?' 'What time had she gone off?' 'What did she say when she found herself in my arms?' 'What will she say-" I was cut off when I found myself tripping. I didn't fall or anything but I think I stubbed my toe. "Mind if you share those deep thoughts your tripping on?" asked George with a glint of mischief in his eyes. "Nah, it's nothing." I said as I trudged back up to our dorm room.

After a nice hot shower, I got dressed. I buttoned up my white dress shirt, put on my tie, pants, et cetera. As I was about to put on my left sock, I came to the conclusion that Cassidy will never return the feelings I have for her. "Great!" I said sarcastically to my left sock, "Thanks for making my day even more messed up." I was sad. Terribly sad. I don't know what to do right now. I think that I should just distance myself from her and just take time to think about all this without exploding. Who knows, I might just have the same emotional range as my little brother. At least I only had Potions with her today, though I think she'd hang out with us during free period.

That's the right thing to do, right?

As usual, I didn't even know how wrong I was.

•Cassie's POV•

I got out of bed about half an hour after I plopped myself in. I greeted Hermione who was going through her closet. "G'morning Mione." I said stretching "Good morning Cassie!" she replied cheerily. I got into the shower and let the warm water trickle and flow through my body. I got out and wrapped myself in a towel. I got out of the bathroom and went through my closet getting out a fresh set of my uniforms. I put my hair into a messy bun and applied some face powder. I slipped on my shoes while spritzing some cologne on my neck. I got my necklace and put it on looking at its pendants. 

I sighed to myself as I got my backpack checking if my Defense against the Dark Arts book was there, luckily it was. Quills, ink, parchment, Potions book, everything seemed to be in order so Hermione and I headed to the Great Hall together.

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