Star Wars 'n' Sherlolly

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Movie nights never went down particularly well with Sherlock and Molly. If Sherlock chose a film (which he hardly ever did), it was usually an obscure Indie film that required subtitles, or an overly complicated film with too many special effects and a several plot lines that could really have been avoided.

Molly's film choices however were a little less clichéd. She'd usually opt for the occasionally romcom, but more often than not would go with a psychological thriller instead. Something that drove Sherlock up the wall owing to the inaccuracy.

Therefore, they usually relied on someone else's judgement for their binge watching sessions. Today, that task fell to John.

"Star Wars." John said abruptly, walking in and tossing them the boxset before either had had chance to ask. "You can thank me later."

Quite begrudgingly, Sherlock shoved episode four in the DVD player, as John had told him that watching it from the fourth was the correct order to watch it.

Half way into to it, both of them were hooked. Of course Sherlock made a few snide comments about the effects, and deduced right from the start about what was going to happen with the characters, but they sat through it anyway.

"Enjoying the film?" Mrs Hudson asked, walking in half through The Empire Strikes back to find Sherlock laying on his back on the sofa, and Molly laying on his chest, legs linked together as they stared transfixed at the screen. Both simultaneously turned and glared at Mrs Hudson, which prompted her to leave relatively quickly.

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