Tea Time

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Chapter 7- Tea Time

The psychologist's words rang in Alice's mum's head. Alice officially has schizophrenia--a mental disorder that can cause people to have hallucinations where they'll see or hear things that don't exist. As the mother sat in the Sitting Room, she thought long and hard about what the doctor and psychologist recommended. They said that Alice would probably be best in a Schizophrenia Treatment Facility, but Mrs. Hatman wasn't going to allow her baby to stay there night and day. Instead, Alice's mother considered to drop her off during the day for their Day Treatment program.

Alice's mum honestly wanted to resist taking her to the facility, but the doctors said if she really cared about Alice, that their family would consider it. Well, the parents spent a lot of sleepless nights pondering if they should. Mr. Hatman tried his best to convince his wife and hesitantly, she gave in.

Mrs. Hatman took Alice's diagnosis the hardest out of the family. Of course, Alice's father was saddened, but his wife was devastated. All she desired was for Alice to realize what is real and what is fantasy. She knew that her daughter was so confused and frightful over these hallucinations. Alice just simply didn't understand.

"Should I take Alice to her Schizophrenia appointment..." Mrs. Hatman asked herself before mentally deciding that she should. The poised lady got up and left the Sitting Room to freshen up that morning before leaving.

After Mrs. Hatman put on a pink flowery print dress and fixed her hair, she began to apply makeup, "Alice, dear, come here we're about to leave!"

Alice, who wore a blue dress and black flats, skipped into the room and her mother brushed her daughter's long, straight golden hair. Then, she placed a black headband on top of Alice's head.

"Where are we going, Mother?"

"Well," her mother began as she took a deep breath, "you will be going to a new place, dear."

"What do you mean, Mum?"

"You know how you've been talking to others about Wonderland?"


"Well, you'll be spending the day with other people who will have experienced the same things as you, dear."

Alice tilted her head slightly, "They've been to Wonderland, too?!"

"Um, not exactly, Alice, but don't worry you'll be well taken care of and I'll be back to pick you up in the afternoon." The lovely mother gave her troubled daughter a reassuring smile.

Alice didn't understand what her mum was talking about and it made her anxious. Who else was she going to meet that would end up confusing her just as the White Rabbit and Cheshire Cat did? Her life was full of confusion and that confusion was beginning to transform into a bit of frustration. Alice craved for answers.

Plus, Alice didn't want to trouble her mother. She noticed that her mum appeared more worrisome, and she assumed it must've been because of her. Alice didn't want to bother her mother by mentioning Wonderland, but if she was supposedly going to be with 'other people who have experienced the same things', it would only make Alice want to talk more about Wonderland.

When they arrived at the Schizophrenia clinic, Alice's mother signed her daughter in at the front desk. A kind lady with a gentle smile examined the form Mrs. Hatman handed her, "Alright, thank you, Mrs. Hatman." Then, she looked down at the troubled little girl, "Hi Alice, I'm Elizabeth and you'll be with me today. Are you ready to come back with me?"

Alice shied away from the lady and held her mother's hand tautly. Alice's actions made Mrs. Hatman even more reluctant to let her baby go, but she knew that if Alice was to ever improve, that she needed to let her go. Bending down to her height, the kind mother stared into Alice's blue eyes, "Alice, dear, these are people who are your friends. You'll be okay, and I'll come back to get you in no time, okay? You'll have fun! You be a good girl for me, okay?"

With that, Alice gave her a slight nod and her mother handed her off to the lovely lady. Gently holding the little girl's hand, the employee guided her to the back, and as Mrs. Hatman watched her baby go, she hoped and hoped that this would help Alice.

"So how are you today, Miss Alice?"


"Do you want to know what you'll be doing today?" The lady asked her with an overly-sweet tone, and in return, Alice gave her a small nod. "Well, first,
we have tea time. Then, you'll be with a group of people and you'll answer different questions. After that, you'll go to an art class where you can color, draw, and paint. Then, you will be with me and we'll have a small chat. Next, you'll be able to go outside for a bit and get some fresh air. Lastly, you'll go back with the same group of people to eat a snack and talk. Then your mom will be here to pick you up."

"Okay..." Alice was unsure of all of this but if it involved anything with coloring, she was in.

When the young girl walked through the doors of a tea room, she stared at all of the different people who sat drinking tea. Some looked like normal people and some looked like they weren't all there. It looked like their minds were in a far off place--something Alice was familiar with. Some looked scared, baffled, and shy all at the same time.

Elizabeth guided her over to an empty seat where Alice gently sat on the edge of her seat with perfect posture as her mum taught her. "Miss Alice, would you like for me to get you some tea?" Alice gave a small nod and Elizabeth scurried off to get the troubled little girl a cup of tea.

Alice's blue eyes began to wander around to discover the new wondrous things and people until an odd young man strolled in and sat next to her. He had a wild, crazy look in his green eyes, and his hair seemed unkempt. But the main thing that Alice was interested and curious over was the gigantic green hat on top of his head.

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