Chapter 8;

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Seth has been ignoring Dean like nothing. His walk by game like nothing ever happened between them is strong! Dean however is begging Seth to talk to him.

"Come on Seth baby talk to me"Dean begged him as he walked to Seth blocking him to go upstairs... Or anywhere.

Seth he tried to push Dean away but it didn't work. Dean is guarantee to make Seth talk to him.

"Stop" Dean grab Seth wrists to making him stop. "Talk to me" Dean cried. All he wanted was to hear Seth beautiful voice to talk to him.

Seth wiggles out of Dean hand. "What should we talk about? How you pushed me and almost hit me? Just leave Dean, just leave" He walks past Dean to the the front door and opens it he points at it. He demanded again his voice got higher "Leave"

Dean walked up to Seth, put his hands around his waist lean in and kissed him.Seth kisses back but stop when he realized what was going on. "Stop, no stop" Seth said as he removes Dean hands and Dean walked out as he walked out Seth closed the door behind him.

He walked back into the living room where there was pictures of them together. He grabbed one of them and held onto it in his chest.How things change? He began crying. Seth grabbed his phone and he looked up some sad quotes. Seth then fell asleep crying tears on his pillow.

Dean P.O.V

I came back and I heard nothing like it was completely silent. I then checked everywhere Seth was no where to be found. The house was no Seth. I  shouted his name a couple times and nothing. Where could he be? Where could he go? I don't see him going anywhere. There no where for him to go.

I walked to the main bedroom where I already checked but I wanted to see if there was a different change other that Seth missing. Some of his clothes were gone.

Why why damnit Seth I'm supposed to protect you. That's my job to protect you. I. Love. You.

I looked on the the bed and saw the teddy bear the one that Seth bought. I got in the bed and hold it close to me. I smiled as I hugged it tightly. I kissed the top of it and called Seth. After a few rings it went to voicemail. Which is good cause that means he hasn't turned off his phone. He be back I need know it he always comes back.

It's been a long time without Seth now it's suck without him dammit Seth where are you. I then counted the day it ms been without Seth and it's been 14 days. It been two w-weeks without him. No no no how did I miss it.  "SETHIE come back the me. I miss you. I never wanted to hit you. I love you and our unborn baby, please come home" Just as I was done saying that Seth walked in was it faith?

"Oh my god Seth" I yelled as I ran to him and picked he up. "where have you been. I been worrying about you and the baby"

"Yeah, about the baby-

"You got an abortive?" Dean asked...

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