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I can't believe I did it, I picked up Thor's hammer when no one else could. Not Captain America, Bruce Banner, or even my father. How can I be worthy to possess such a weapon when no one else but Thor can?

Supposedly, (now that I picked up Thor's hammer) I'm the princess of Asgard. I was supposed to take his place on the throne but I can't do that to him. He would be miserable if he couldn't live in Asgard and be the prince. I won't take that away from him, he's already lost a brother to the terrible hand of tragedy.

I told him I didn't want the throne, I just wanted to have the title of a princess and I dont want his hammer. He can keep the hammer, I just want some of the power in a different weapon. His face washed over with relief. He kneeled down and thanked me for letting him stay a prince. I demanded him to stand up. I informed him that he didn't need to kneel to me. I am no better then him. Actually, I should be kneeling for him. I didn't say the last part. I knew if I did, he may try to convince me otherwise.

That was what happened after Ultron came "alive" and tried to overpower us. Now I'm thinking about the concept of being the "Princess of Asgard". Did I really want to be a princess? When I was little, I thought it would be amazing to be a princess. But now... I'm not so sure. I would have a lot of responsibilities. Stark's are not very good with being responsible. Maybe I can talk to Loki about this?

I walk down to the library, Loki's favorite place in Stark tower. I find him lost in a book about spells. Typically God of Mischief. " Hey Loki, I need to talk to you."

He looks up from his book and with the most innocent face I have ever seen, and says, "Am I in trouble?"

I smile. "No your not in trouble. I just need someone who has been to Asgard."

He puts down the book gently and lays it aside. " Is this about you now being a princess? "

"Yea it is. I don't know if I want to actually be a princess, I mean... I don't think I'm good enough to be a princess."

His mood suddenly changes, his eyes become darker, they stare at me angrily. "Don't ever tell yourself your not good enough. I mean it, don't let anyone make you feel like your a disgrace to this universe."

I stare at him. God, was that how he felt before he tried to take over Asgard? A mistake to the universe? Odin, I hope you feel guilty for making him feel this way.

I steer the conversation back to the topic. "Do you think I should be a the princess?"

"I think you should, your very smart. And that's something a princess should be"

I feel my face start to turn red. I know I'm smart, my IQ proves it. But by him stating it, it makes me actually feel like I am worthy to be a princess.

"Wait... what would I be a goddess of?

"You would be a goddess of Asgard." He says with confusion lacing his words.

I roll my eyes. "I mean... like a title. Like God of Mischief, or God of Thunder.

"Well, Odin usually picks what your the goddess of. Unless...

"Unless what?"

"Unless something else calls you to be a different goddess."

I stare at him confused. He sees my confusion and ignores it. I stand up and walk to my room. Thinking about what he said. What did he mean? How can something call you to be a different goddess? I guess it doesn't matter at this point in time, because I have made my decision. I will become the princess of Asgard, no matter what dares to stand in my way.

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