The Aftermath

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Hey everyone! Sorry that it took so long to update. I wanted to tell you that the sequel to this book is kinda overlapping this book. If you don't understand what the heck is going on in this book, read the other book. It will probably help you understand. Anyway, if you like this book you can comment and vote. And remember...The Avengers love you!

After the fight in Wakanda, you can tell that the team is torn apart. Whatever the Maximoff kids did, it really affected us. It pushed us back so much. Everyone looks like they're going to shatter into a million pieces if you touch them. How could Ultron and just two other people actually be able to break up the Avengers? We're supposed to be the strongest team on this planet, Earth's Mightiest Heroes. They destroyed us in a matter of minutes! I guess we underestimated them. You would think that they couldn't cause any harm, but they did. You should see Natasha, staring off into space. She looks so helpless. She's almost on the brink of tears. Thor is the same. Oh, I can't imagine what happened to Steve to make me look like he does. His eyes tell me that he's lost all hope. And Bruce, Bruce destroyed a whole city. I can't imagine how he feels. He didn't even know that he was wreaking that city. I can't wait to make them pay. When I see them face to face again, they will wish they were in hell.

I almost caught her too. But she played with mind before I could. No one knows that she put me under her spell. I'm trying to keep a straight face and act like i didn't see anything. It was like, my worst fear...or was it a vision? I don't know but i never want to see what I saw again.

I was standing by Ultron, and I was looking at the rubble of a city. Millons of bodies littered the ground. Ultron turned to face me and smirked. "When the dust settles," he said, "all that will be left is metal. "What about me?" I said with a steady voice, "I helped." "Don't worry, you can still go back to Asgard and live happily ever after with Loki. Just like I promised" I smirked and rolled my eyes as I looked down again. I saw the Maximoff twins staring at Ultron with fear written all over their faces. They then looked at me and started to yell at the same time, "How could do this? I thought you were on our side? You watch the world around you crumble and crack while you stand there doing nothing. As if it isn't your fault!" I grinned the most wickedest grin I could. "I always wanted to see the world fall apart, piece by piece. I never really did like most people. I'm not like the rest. I looked up and let my wings out and looked down expecting to still see the twins there. Instead, I see my team mates. They're bloody and bruised all over. My face went to Natasha's, she looked at me. She was still alive. I went over to her, and knelt down. "I thought, we were important to you. Why did you betray us? I looked away as she gasped for air. I'm still kneeling as I turn to face Ultron. " I wish I didn't have to feel pain. You have it so easy. You've never cared for someone, only to watch them fade away by your actions. I stand up and straighten out. 'I better get to Asgard, Loki will want to hear about Thor's death.

Just thinking about what I saw made me shiver. Will I really kill all my friends just to sit beside Loki in Asgard? No. I would never do that. Then why... Wait a minute, Pietro and Wanda are against the Avengers. Why were they on are side in my fear? Will they sometime join our side? But if they do, that means my fear will become reality. That also means I will kill millions of innocent people. Oh God... please don't let that happen.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 02, 2015 ⏰

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