Fear of People

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      It takes guts to put your writing out there. I've done a little of it, but I still have to walk out of the room when someone reads anything I write. I think a lot of people are like that. They may not walk away, but their heart is pounding a little harder than normal. They're worried that their friends, their parents- whoever is reading it- will find an immense flaw they just happened to miss. Or, a small one that just ruins the paper as a whole. 

      "Oh, the grammar on this paper is... a little rough, dear."

       "Mmm... you could do better."

         Sometimes they can be even meaner.

       "None of this makes any sense. Why do you bother writing?"

       "This plot is unoriginal."

        None of these comments are worth listening to.

       Chances are, you won't get anything like this when you put your writing out there. Most people are very kind. And, by most people, I mean the ones worth minding. 

        People who truly wan't to help you will give you constructive criticism. They might mark up your paper in red ink and show you where you can improve- hey, they might even be a little hard to hear sometimes.

        But, to tell you the truth, friend... if they're being helpful, they're not being hurtful. And, if they're being hurtful, than they're not being helpful.


        Basically, someone who's going to be rude or insensitive isn't helping you in any way... so, why should you pay any attention. Yeah, sometimes you gotta suck it up and see you can improve.

        But, if the only thing holding you back is fear of people being mean... than you gotta remember that you are not writing for people. You are not answering to people. You are for God and God is for you

       And, if God's got writing in your future, then he will pave the path and put the right people in your path. There will be without a doubt some unexpected twists and turns. There will be some nay sayers. But there will also be God.

       ....And God's got your back, friend.

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