Chapter I Forgot

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Sakura Haruno's PoV

First of all, Ino's house is not just a house. It's a freaking mansion. A huge as one. They have gates that opens automatically, aids and butlers greeting me and serving me orange juice, and finally there she is, standing wearing a gown that's sparkling under the sun-

[The heck you on about? She's just wearing what she usually wears!]

Whoops. Anyways, but she still looks like a freaking majestic fairy princess.
"Sakura, I'm glad you can make it!" she says her voice filled with enthusiasm. Why is she so excited anyway?

"Unfortunately," I sighed and slumped my back. I was not looking forward to this. Mom already allowed me and dad to have dessert last night


"Okay you may now eat dessert." Mom says with a smile as she laid down two plates of strawberry cheesecake.

Me and Dad looked at it in disbelief.

"Honey... What is this?" he pointed at the small amount of cheesecake on the platter.

It wasn't really small but it's smaller than what we usually get.

"It's either that or no dessert." mom folded her arms and smirked. "forever,"


"Hell naw! Imma start eating this lil pea size of cheesecake right now!"

"No matter what the size I love it!"

Flashback Ends


Me and I no aren't walking towards their huge as mansion. We're in a carriage. Yes, that's right, you heard me. A carriage.

"His name is Guillermo." Ino says while looking at the horse with a smile. That smile suddenly vanished for split second.

"His mother passed away when he was born." something was inside her eyes that I just can't fully grasp. Her frown then turned into her usual smile.

"Nevertheless, look at him now!"

[What do you think?]

I don't know Inner... I don't know. Has Ino been through something?

My thoughts were suddenly cut off when Ino said something that, I'm 100% sure, almost gave me a heart attack.

"Sasuke's here by the way. I hope you don't mind." she says while giving me a nervous grin.

What. The. Hell.

"Is his psychotic obsessed girlfriend of doom here?" I blurt out suddenly. I instantly covered my mouth while Inner laughed.

Ino looked at me funny and then bursts out laughing.

"Fortunately, for the first time ever, she isn't." she giggles as the carriage came into a stop.

"We are here, Ms. Yamanaka, Ms. Haruno." the coach says. We got of the carriage with the help of the doorman.

"Now come on! Let's go to the pool!" Ino says dragging me. I was still frozen in place awestruck by the door. Yes, the door. It is fancy as hell. Rich kids...

Not only that look at the inside! It's like my dream house but it doesn't have bacon all over the floor.

Now, where did Ino say we were going?

[The pool, dummy.]


The pool.





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