Chapter Thirteen

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Sakura Haruno's PoV

I'm going to kill that girl when I get my hands on her!

I grumbled as I walked behind Sasuke. I can't really lead since I don't know my way to the kitchen and if I went near him it'll be kind off awkward I guess.

But the silence was killing me. I feel like I need to talk. Damn my mouth not being able to shut up.

"So... Uh... I like spoons!" I blurt out. If mouths have an on and off button, I would've always turned my mouth off.

Sasuke stopped walking and looked at me weirdly. "Cool...?" he says before continuing to walk.

Good thing Inner isn't here. I don't want to deal with her insults.

And I shouldn't have told Hinata about Inner. She practically knows Inner. She was there when the 'Little Bob' incident happened. She told me that it looked like it wasn't me and asked if I was possessed. I explained Inner to her and for a kindergarten, she understood.

When we reached the kitchen, we can see the maid preparing two drinks. It wouldn't take long but she making it look like exactly what it looks on the menu.


I can never understand...

"Me and dobe would just have coke." Sasuke says. He looked over me.

Huh? Oh, Hinata.

"I guess Hinata would like a mango shake. And you don't need to make it look like the one on the menu! It's perfect just the way it is." I say smiling at the maid who nods and returns the smile.

Sasuke got out two glasses and a bottle of Coke and started pouring it himself. I decided to help make Hinata's shake.

Like earlier, the silence was killing me. Although, the maid was smiling making me feel a little more comfortable.

But that ended when she suddenly said that she just needs to go get something.

And the two of us are once again alone.

Talk about major awkwardness. The only sound hear din the room was the blender. Sasuke was already done preparing the two glasses of Coke and placed them on the tray.

My mouth made a good choice and shut up for once. But I didn't notice Sasuke going behind me and peeking at the blender.

"I think it's okay now." he says. My face turned red and hot when I heard his voice and felt his hot breath.

God help me.

[You rang?]

Inner smirked at me with her arms folded. I mentally rolled my eyes at her and ignored her and decided to deal this by myself.

I turned it off and Sasuke handed me the glass going beside me.

I grabbed the glass even though my hands were quite shaky and my face still red. I quickly, but carefully, poured the content in the glass. And placed a little paper umbrella on it and a white bendable straw.

"Hn. Nice job." Sasuke muttered as he got it and placed it on the tray. I was supposed to thank him when the maid then came back with napkins.

She placed them and carried the tray. Me and Sasuke offered to help seeing that it was five drinks in one tray. But the maid thanked us but told us that this was her job.

As we got back, I saw a blushing Hinata (while annoyed) and Naruto.

Ino was smiling. Too wide, if you ask me.

"Something happened?" I gesture the two.

"Oh nothing." Ino says still smiling.

We got ahead of the maid so, when the maid got to us she handed us our drinks. We all thanked her and decided to swim. Well, they decided to swim.

I just sat down and carried on sipping on my drink with Hinata.

"Care to tell me what happened to you and Naruto?" I ask raising a browser at her. She looked down and turned away.


Ha! It's probably something embarrassing. I smirked and carried on my business.

Well, I'm done dancing and swimming. And I'm beat. This weekend is tiring. I wouldn't be surprised if I haven't cleared the pile of homework on my desk yet.

"Tomorrow, I'm coming over your house." Hinata says taking a sip of her drink.

"Wake up super early or else I'll throw a gigantic Rick at you bedroom window or just climb on your balcony and crash your house." I wouldn't want that happening so I nodded.

"Okay I will! Geez. What for anyways? " I stared at Sasuke who was playing ball with Naruto in the water while Ino just laughs everytime Naruto misses or bumps his head.

[Look at that bod. I'd kill to run my hands all over that fine-]

Please Inner. You're killing me. And he and Karin remember?

[So what?]

So what? He's off limits that's what.

[Okay okay. At least let me embed this holy sight in your mind?]

Whatever helps you sleep and besides, you never ask permission anyways.

[I so do!]

Then care to explain why there's a picture of two dogs doing it in my mind? If I'm correct, we passed by that scene last month ago.

[... *shrugs]

I took a sip and continued staring.

"You do know that nothing's going to happen if you just keep staring right?" Hinata pints out.

"You do know that nothing's going to happen of you keep being shy around him right?" I fire back.

We both looked at each other before muttering, "we're hopeless." together.

"My mom's sister took him and his brother in after... Something happened."

What did happen?

I know it's none of my business but... I just can't help but be curious.

[Sakura... Mom raised us not to snoop on other people's lives you know.]

Youre right... I should just forget about it and about Ino too.

Maybe something happened to the two of them.


I ignored Inner as I leaned back on the chair. The chair creaked under my weight as if begging me to get off. Well, too bad chair. I sit here and you are kissing my bum!

[You're mental]

I know.

"... Sakura, you wouldn't be mad if I sign you up for something right?" Hinata starts nervously fiddling with her straw.

I closed my eyes and took a deep breath and realised it.

"As long as it has nothing to do with sweaty, work and pain then it's cool."

"Yeah," she chuckles, "About that... I may or may not have signed you out for the cheerleading team."

I bolted up my seat and screamed, " WHAT?!"

- - -

I know, I know. It feels like Sakura's taking a long transforming into a sexy beast.

But hey, it's not that simple. You can't just run a mile and suddenly come back looking sexy.

And two updates!!

Thank you for the votes and for commenting ^-^

We'll, that's all for now =)

Byee ~

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