Chapter Twenty part one - Delivery

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When Liriel woke, she flung her head back from her chest with a start. She was still in the chair at Gisella's house. She looked around for Liran, who was no longer in her arms. It look all her control not to cry out and wake her patient. In the opposite corner of the room, Renata lay on a low bed with Liran tucked carefully into her embrace. It was a sweet picture.

Liriel had to calm her heart. She looked over to Gisella who was snoring lightly. Her colour looked better, she thought, though she was no expert on Trillas skin tones. She figured that if they looked more bloodless than the Hilliri, there was something wrong.

She was still weak. The dried apples Renata had shared weren't sufficient to revive her flagging energy, and feeding Liran drained her even further. If she didn't find something to eat, she would have to go outside and take maru instead. She wondered when it had become such an easy thing to do. To think of it, she realized she would rather have maru from a tree than eat the best meal. The thought troubled her.

She rose from the chair to step outside. Luckily, there was a large maple shading the home just outside the door. She doubted she could go much further.

She took her fill, paying attention how she felt. When she was almost full, it was almost like bring drunk. When she stopped, thinking she had taken enough, she felt a tug, as if she wanted more, though she was certain she didn't need it. She went back indoors to find Gisella's mother beginning to bustle about. It wasn't late, but they had slept through the dinner hour and likely Liriel wasn't the only hungry one.

Gisella got out of bed, and Liriel watched her to see how she moved. She still seemed stiff.

Renata brought Liran back to her. He wasn't hungry again yet, thank the Guardians, but he seemed to miss her presence. He settled in the crook of her arm, sleeping fitfully, his little mouth making sucking motions. Liriel wanted to laugh. He was even thinking of eating when sleeping. All babies were hungry, she supposed, since they had a great deal of growing to do.

She stroked his hair, thinking of the wonder of babies. There would be another one in the world in not too long.

Gisella watched and poked about as her mother cooked. At once she stopped and gripped her side, making a small noise. Liriel snapped to attention. Gisella crouched down. Liriel set Liran down on the bed and went over to her.

"Is everything okay? What are you feeling."

Gisella gasped for air, unable to speak.

Liriel breathed to demonstrate for her. "Take slow breaths. In...and out. Good." Liriel was glad now that she had taken her fill at the tree. It was going to be a long night.


It was a long night.

Liriel went back to the tree twice more while Gisella laboured to deliver her baby-Marcusi's baby. It occurred to her that men were good at making babies, but they never seemed to be present when the hard work of bringing them into the world was happening. Perhaps it was just the war that drew them away. In peace time it would be different.

Renata proved an excellent midwife. The woman kept her calm through the night and remained energetic long after Liriel had taken her second draw from the tree. Of course, Renata didn't have to do any healing, as Liriel did, but it helped that she was there and ready for anything.

Gisella was grateful for Liriel's presence. Women seemed less troubled by her than men, she noted. Perhaps Gisella would help Marcusi see Liriel as an ally once she had the chance to speak with him.

It wasn't long before the news reached him. In the small hours of the morning he arrived with a contingent of friends. Liriel was glad to see Lorenzo was among them. When he stepped inside the cottage, his eye went directly to her as he headed straight in her direction. Liran was sleeping in a basket in the corner nearby. Lorenzo gave a glance at him before enveloping her in his arms. Being near him always felt so good.

"You look tired. You've been busy."

Liriel nodded, glancing toward Gisella who was showing her baby to the others, including Marcusi, who beamed.

"I'm glad I came. Otherwise, I'm certain Gisella would have died."

Gisella was busy relating Liriel's part in the delivery. The others glanced her way, curious, admiring and impressed. Liriel hoped she gained a little ground in terms of acceptance. If she hoped to remain with Lorenzo in Castillon then she needed them to approve.

"What's happened since your father was killed? Who will be Castillon's new lord?"

Lorenzo smiled. "No one knew that my father had disowned me. Everyone is looking for me to make decisions."

Liriel felt a weight lift. Their plans was back on track now. But there was more to be done.


When they returned to their base, a small camp hidden behind a thicket of brambles, Liriel noted the tone of the Castillonians' chatter was lighter. Perhaps the birth had given them hope.

Marcusi was tentative but polite with her. He never thanked her for helping Gisella, but she suspected his pride wouldn't allow for it. Renata made certain that everyone knew how she'd helped, even going so far as to bring her some patients, people who were nursing deep wounds that were not healing well.

Liriel was shocked by the crude stitching they had done to close the wounds, and how little effort they had put into cleaning and wrapping them. Worse still, no one appeared to be swapping these for clean bandages after a few days had passed. These were small efforts for her, but the look of wonder on their faces as the wounds sealed up and disappeared spoke volumes. After they returned to their groups, her patients murmured in hushed tones, glancing back at her with wide eyes.

Lorenzo seemed happier, though she sensed an edge. She thought it might be grief. His father had died while they were in conflict, and now he would never have the chance to resolve things with the man. A heartache like that could eat away at a person.

The next night she curled up beside him, after hours of cleaning Liran's soiled clouts and feeding him what seemed like every hour, as well as looking after the wounded. It was rough living, but lying on a blanket with Lorenzo curved around her and she curved around Liran, a spark of joy glowed within her that refused to be extinguished.


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