Chapter 1

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  It's drizzling outside. The large windows facing the kitchen are slowly dripping as the sky is starting to darken. I can't believe how rainy the weather is here in New Jersey. Usually during this time of year back home, it would be snowing. Oh, home. I kind of miss it. Canada was cold and unforgiving during winter, but so beautiful during Autumn.

I'm glad I'm not there anymore, though. My mother was constantly on my back for me not having a job. I wasn't able to work anywhere because I was never that good with customers. I tried labor intensive jobs, lifting heavy objects for local warehouses, cutting wood, shoveling dirt, literally anything that didn't involve that much communication, but I couldn't keep up. I got tired too easily, and I was fired. So I painted a few paintings, like I'd do in my spare time, and I took to the local art fair and sold them. I eventually saved up enough money to move. I've always wanted to move to New Jersey for some reason. Maybe it was the music scene, or maybe just the gloomy weather I seem to love, but in the end... I moved here.

The studio apartment was all I've ever wanted. I'm fairly high up, and It's big enough for one, maybe two people. I don't get too lonely because I have my cat, Tulla, with me. I brought her along when I moved. She's old, but she's still got the heart of a kitten. The only downside is that she throws up a lot, and I have a slight fear of vomit... okay, maybe I have a full on phobia, but I can deal with it.

I smiled down at my cat as she squeaked at me, since she can't meow.

"Hello Tulla, are you hungry?" I asked as I glanced at the clock , it read 4:30.

To that I got another squeak and I headed towards my fridge to get her a slice of wet food.

"I don't know how you can eat this stuff." I sighed as I put her dish back on the floor.

I don't eat meat. I don't exactly have a reason, but when people ask, I say it's because I like animals. I take iron pills to give me strength and ensure I don't pass out, although it hasn't happened yet.

I grabbed a carrot out of the fridge, too lazy to make anything. I peeled and washed the carrot and ate it as I walked over to my easel by the window. I paused before I sat down and walked back to the counter. I boiled my kettle and walked over to my stereo. I put on a CD by The Smashing Pumpkins. I walked to my counter once again and made a cup of coffee. I set the cup down on the small table beside me, and began to paint the scene in front of me.  

Just a Shadow in the Night (Mikey Way / OC)Where stories live. Discover now