Chapter 21

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*Emilias p.o.v*

I woke up earlier than usual; it felt like seven or so in the morning. Rolling over, trying not to wake Tula up. I checked the time- realising I was right. I heard rustling from the kitchen, and by the sounds of his footsteps, I could tell it was Mikey.

I sat up and slowly got out of bed. I walked to the bathroom, brushing my teeth and checking my appearance. When I was done, I made my way into the kitchen.

I looked up and saw Mikey sitting at the table with a steaming cup of coffee in his hands. There was a peach colored light from the sunrise coming from the frosted window above the sink that illuminated his face. He took a sip of the coffee, slowly waking himself up. It looked like the perfect picture opportunity.

"Morning" He mumbled, realising I was in the room.

"Morning" I answered, walking over to the coffee machine.

"How'd you sleep?"

"Not too bad, what about you?"

"Badly" he admitted, staring down into his coffee.

I made my coffee and sat across from him. I studied his face for emotions that I could read, but all I could tell was that he was exhausted.

"Did you get any sleep?" I asked quietly.

He remained silent, only moving to take another sip of coffee.

I didn't press any further, already knowing the answer.

The silence continued, not knowing if or when I should speak. I decided I'd let him break the silence when he was ready. I swiftly got up and grabbed a piece of paper from the counter and a pencil. I sat back down and started to sketch Mikey sitting at the kitchen table.

I was just finishing up the drawing when he spoke softly.

"Do you know who Pete Wentz is?"

I had no clue who this Pete guy was, but I was curious as to why he'd ask.

"No, I can't say I do." I answered. "Why?"

"Well..." He said, taking a deep breath and looking at me for the first time this morning. "He's in a band from Chicago."

"Okay?" I asked, not knowing where this was going. I decided to let him explain further.

"And... I, uh.. used to be in a band as well, with Gerard, Frank, Ray and Bob."

I nodded, taking in the new information.

"We were pretty big around here, but people don't remember us now, but that's not the point. The point is- Pete's band and my band went on tour together years ago." He finished his coffee and cleared his throat.

I nodded again, getting wrapped up in his story.

"Anyway... We got pretty close, friendship wise. At least, that's what I thought. He had another view on it."

"Like... romantically?" I asked.

"Yeah... The fans liked it, he liked it, and I got a little wrapped up in the whole thing myself. But after the tour ended, so did the romance and the friendship and our fame."

"Did the band break up?"

"Ours? Not exactly, we kinda just shied away from the spotlight. His band went on a break though, but now he's back in town."

"Why?" I questioned.

"He still... well, likes me. He's got some jealousy issues. Pretty dangerous, he's been in a few crime related scenes." He paused. "And apparently Bob told him about you."

My breath caught in my throat. Mikey looked up at me again, he had tears in his eyes and his elbows rested on the table. His hands were balled into fists, and he wiped his eye quickly before tears could escape.

"So..." He said before taking a shaky breath. "Now he's after you, and he's not someone to mess with."

There was a long pause, and I was scared out of my mind.

"What do we do?" I asked in a whisper.

His face twisted with anger, fear and determination.

"We get the fuck out of here."

Just a Shadow in the Night (Mikey Way / OC)Where stories live. Discover now