Chapter 15: In Our Intimate Moments

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You called John, as he knew you would, to tell him you changed your plans and were going home with Dave, Dirk, and Dirk's date, Jake. He, in return, told you to have fun and use protection. You hung up immediately after that. Now you and Dave are sitting in his room talking idly like you did before. As a matter of fact, a lot of things feel the same to you. The main difference is that now you can cuddle and kiss him and it's acceptable. You feel tingly inside, as if there are flutter beasts in your stomach. The two of you sit there for hours chatting and laughing and sharing loving kisses until Dave informs you that it's almost 12:30 and that you should probably tell someone you were staying over. You curse under your breath and send Meulin a quick text, knowing she'd be the most understanding. As you set your phone aside, you see Dave stand and open his closet, rummaging through it. "What're you doing?"
"Getting you clothes to sleep in. You don't really want to sleep in jeans do you?" He asks without turning around. You slowly shake your head as he tosses one of his jerseys to you. You grimace and shoot him a look, "Chill. It was my 8th grade jersey. It's been washed. I'll even spray it in cologne if you really want."
You roll your eyes and shake your head, stripping down to your boxers and slipping his jersey on. It slips off your shoulder but otherwise it's not too bad. He pulls off his shirt and grabs a pair of sweatpants, changing before taking a seat beside you. Of course he would leave his shirt off so you could stare at his chest. Why wouldn't he? He's a considerate person. He catches you staring within seconds, "Is there a problem?"
"You're my problem."
"How so?"
You gently poke his chest with your claw, "This is one if my big issues at the moment. Put a shirt on, fuckass. I can't concentrate on anything but you."
The human smirks, "That's just how I like it."
You narrow your eyes and point to your closet, "Shirt on. Go."
He rolls his eyes and fake pouts, standing and muttering something about how your no fun. He throws on a shirt and sits again, "Good enough?"
You nod and lay down, "Yes. That's great, now come lay with me."
He happily obliges, laying at your side and pulling you into his arms, "I thought you had a dating policy?"
You shrug, burying your face in the crook of his neck, "I do. You accomplished the bare minimum requirements. Besides, I...." You trail off.
Dave quirks and eyebrow, "You what?"
"I really like you..." You practically whisper, wrapping your arms around him and pulling him closer.
He cracks a smile, kissing the top of your head, "Just really like? Or do you really really really really really really like me?"
You roll your eyes, "You make so many stupid references it makes me want to cry."
"That's my jam. Don't tell me you're going to give me up. I never want you to let me down or run around and desert me."
You sigh, realizing that any attempts to resist his stupid music references will always be futile, so you play along this time, "I'm never going to make you cry. I'll never say goodbye or tell any lies to hurt you."
Dave squeals and bear hugs you, "I love that we can quote the inspirational words of my spirit animal, Rick Astley, in our intimate times."
"Please don't get used to this. This isn't going to be a regular thing with us."
"Oh no babe. You've sassed me up."
"Were in this shit for the long haul now."
"I'm feelin pretty friggin matrimonial all of a sudden."
"Dave. We cannot get human married please stop."
He blinks down at you, "We can get bro married first then."
You give him a look of pure unamusement, "What the hell does that even mean?"
His eyes widen and his jaw drops, "Dude. You've never been bro married?!"
You pinch the bridge of your nose in annoyance, "I've only been bro divorced."
Dave frowns, "That's like the saddest thing I've ever heard you say. It's like a promise that no matter what happens in our relationship we'll always be best friends."
"You know that never happens..."
"Believe me, I have no intentions of leaving you, but I know I'll always be here for you. No matter what," Dave assures you, caressing your cheek.
You lean into his touch and nod, "Alright...I'll agree to that...we can be bro married."
"Remind me to get you a ring," he grins.
You flush and ignore his comment, "So are Dirk and Jake a couple?"
Dave quirks an eyebrow, "Shouldn't that be your area of expertise? Aren't you his best friend?"
You shrug, "Yeah, but I don't know if it's official or not."
"I don't either, love. Maybe we should go on a double date tomorrow since it's Sunday. Maybe we can find out." Love. You're internally screaming at the pet name. You're a sucker for them. You smile a little and nod, cuddling up to him as he turns off his light. "Anything you've been waning to see movie wise?"
You sigh and frown, shaking your head, "There's no romcoms I've seen previews for lately."
"There is a horror movie I've been wanting to check out," Oh god, you can practically feel his grin.
You swallow the nervous lump in your throat and nod, "Sounds good to me."
"Don't worry babe," he mutters in your ear, sending shivers up your spine, "I'll protect you."
"I know you will," you mumble back, "Now go to sleep, idiot, or you'll fall asleep in the theater."
Dave chuckles and pecks your lips, "Alright. Goodnight, Karkitten."
You huff, closing your eyes. A faint smile plays on your lips and your cheeks heat up a little, "Night..."

Karkat Vantas' Stri-Do's and Dont's of Highschool: A Davekat FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now